




You can download the lastest version by clicking here.

OR if you want to download an earlier version of the addon, you can do it by checking the release page here.


This addon is made for World of Warcraft 3.3.5a

This addon remove (swap) your weapons automatically if you are melee and get mind controlled by a variety of bosses, like Lady Deathwhisper, and a lot more, like removing Paladin's RF buff if you are not a tank.

Configs are done via interface or slash commands.

Slash commands

/awr or /automaticweaponremoval - Show addon help

/awr toggle - Toggle addon on and off

/awr on/off - Turn addon on or off

/awr message "your_message" - Change the message that you will say when you get controled

/awr channel "your_channel" - Change the channel where you will send the message

/awr removeweapon - Simulate what addon will do when "Test Boss" controls you

/awr count - See how many you have been controlled and how many times the addon has unequipped your weapons

/awr spec - See what class and spec you are

/awr status - Show if addon is on/off and why, very useful to double check current addon state

/awr version - Show addon version


Q: Does the addon really works, I mean, will it really unequip my weapons if Lady casts Dominate Mind on me?

A: Yes.

Q: Is that some kind of dark magic?

A: No.

Q: Can I get banned by using this addon?

A: Read this if you are afraid, but tl;dr answer is no, addons can do only what Blizzard allows in their API, all I did was use the API in a creative way.

Q: I have a great idea for you to change X thing on your addon, how can I contact you?

A: That's nice to hear! Please, open an issue with the tag suggestion or idea and tell me what's on your mind.

Q: Your addon is awesome, but I really miss an UI (User Interface), couldn't you add one?

A: Added with update 1.1, you're welcome.

Reporting issues

Issues can be reported via the Github issue tracker.

Please take the time to review existing issues before submitting your own to prevent duplicates. Incorrect or poorly formed reports are wasteful and are subject to deletion.


License: AGPL 3.0

Read file LICENSE.