



Auf Deutsch


The addon rolls on items in certain situations. You can use predefined rules or create your own.

The rules can easily be sent to the whole raid. It is also possible to roll items in round robin mode. In this way, the Zul'Gurub coins and bijous can be divided fairly in the raid without switching to "Loot Master".


For most, simply installing the addon is enough. You only need to configure:

  • Who wants to use the addon outside of raids.
  • A raid leader who sends the rules to everyone.
  • At least one of the raid should activate "disenchanter".

To configure you can use "/ ar3".

Easy Rules

These are predefined rules that can be easily switched on and off when the dice rules are switched on


Here you can easily activate the desired rules, determine what is rolled on the items and whether they should be distributed fairly throughout the raid.

With "Raid start" you send the defined rules to everyone in the raid. If a new player enters the raid or someone was offline while sending, you can press Raid start again at any time. This has no effect on the players it works for.

"Raid end" clears the raid rules for all players. You can start a new raid afterwards, but the round robin data is lost! Everyone rolls the dice again as if they haven't won anything yet. The raid rules are also switched off if the raid group is more than 50% smaller.

(The automatic sending of the config to new players and the possibility to adjust the rules during the raid is planned.)

Advanced Options

You can create your own rules here

Advanced Options

There are any number of groups, each group has any number of rains. The groups are checked from top to bottom and the first one that meets all the rules is used.

Rule types:


Planned features:

  • Export / import rules and sending to other players for permanent use.
  • Support for groups. For WoW, a group is not a raid. I have to adjust a few things to make it work.
  • Allow rules to be changed during the raid.
  • Allow to use round robin from the last raid.
  • More predefined "Easy Rules"
  • Implement Lua rules
  • Insert more rules. Write to me if you need something specific. (e.g. item is a pair of pants)
  • A quick way to indicate that an item should always be passed / rolled.