AutoScrap (Auto Scrap under a TSM AuctionHouse sell price)

AutoScrap (Auto Scrap under a TSM AuctionHouse sell price)


Do you want an addon that sells all the inexpensive transmogs and junk to vendor?

AutoScrap, an addon from Farmers to Farmers.

AutoScrap Donate Button

AutoScrap Junk Seller

AutoScrap Windows

AutoScrap uses the existing addon TradeSkillMaster to find the AuctionHouse price of the items, and marks as junk all the items in your inventory with less value than 1000 gold based of the TSM Auction House prices. So when you open the npc vendor you could sell them very fast. Make sure you have the button AutoScrap on (the bubble gum color) and it will flag items as Scrap as soon as you loot them automatically.

AutoScrap is fast performing, with simple UI and powerfull. Programmed and preconfigured inside of a farming community.

Are you scare of AutoScrap selling vital items?

Don't be scared, items are protected by class and subclass of the items. It will work only on weapons and armors and minor junk, your potions, volatile water, primal fire, alani, whatever you farm they will never be sold. 

Also can protect your inventory with the Whitelist, or add protection for certain Item Level, Sell Rate and other options.

It just sell all the items that are junk and cost less than 1000gold in auction house, or whatever value you select. Simple as that.

Farming never has been faster without AutoScrap.

AutoScrap Provides you a few tools to do your farming job easier:

AutoScrap tools

AutoScrap kill tracker and item statistics

  • Whitelist - To avoid selling a particular item you only care about. Just drag it to the whitelist window.
  • Protected item groups. Untick some protected tradeskills and other groups of items to star selling it. They are not all the protected groups in the addon, but the ones you may want to sell sometimes.
  • Diamon icon on items with more than 10.000 gold value in AH.
  • Extra opctions like FasterAutoloot
  • Kill - Loot - Sell timer
  • An "extra bag" to monitor on screen the quantity of some items you want track, like sky shards, plants, volatiles etc..
  • A small Kill Tracker if you right click on the AutoScrap minimap icon.
  • Mailing operations.
  • Manual keybind to flag/unflag items.
  • AutoSelling and AutoRepair when you open a merchant vendor npc.
  • Icons in bagnon, elvui and stock bags to visually see the Scrap/manual Scrap/Whitelist items.
  • Moving objects tool from inventory to bank or guildbank and viceversa.
  • Internal cache and stacked funcitons to perform in a fraction of 1 milisecond.
  • And much more!!

Last updates that I made:

A Diamon purple icon on items with Auction House value bigger than 10.000 gold to identify the most valueable items on your inventory faster.

 Integrated small Kill Tracker

 Dragon ball like system to monitor on screen the quantity of some items you want.

AutoScrap dragon ball system

Dragon ball system and kill statistics are now share into the party too!

dragon balls shared into the party

How was the addon on the first version?

It used to look like this, only command mode. This picture is for the memories. We started small, and now its a dreaming full farming suite.

help commands