Avengers Nemesis Groups

Avengers Nemesis Groups


Fully automated Nemesis quest group management!

Reorganizing an Ashran raid to optimize groups for the Nemesis quest can be tedious and can quickly become a full-time job. Now, thanks to the power of The Avengers, handling Nemesis groups just got easier. This add-on enables a simple whisper request system to add players to a visible secondary raid frame displaying which players are on which Nemesis quest. No more remembering who wanted which group or alt+tabing to track players in a notepad. Players are displayed in the frame by priority of timestamp of their request and are automatically removed when they drop raid.

NEW in addon v2.0:

  • Auto-arrange option automatically moves players into the appropriate group!
  • Players now whisper the race name to be added to a group (eg 'avn Orc')
  • Quest links are also accepted in whispers

Console slash commands (for add-on user / Nem group leader)

/avn show      Show GUI
/avn hide      Hide GUI
/avn add #     Adds Target to queue # (# = race name or group number)
/avn remove    Removes Target from queue 
/avn count #   Prints count of queue #
/avn report    Send group report to raid
/avn rw        Prints Raid Warning
/avn clear     Clears all groups
/avn demo      Displays AVN frame regardless of raid state
/avn print     Prints queue array to main chat window
/avn help      Sends help file to Target
/avn ?         Displays this help file

Whisper response commands (For participants)

avn #          Adds you to Nemesis queue # (# = race name or group number)
avn list       Replies with Race list including group number
avn check      Replies with which race queue you are in
avn count #    Replies with how many people in Nemesis queue #
avn report     Replies with a Nemesis queue report
avn remove     Removes you from all Nemesis queues
avn ?          Replies with this information
