Azeroth Pilot Reloaded - Route Recorder

Azeroth Pilot Reloaded - Route Recorder



A tool for Azeroth Pilot Reloaded, a leveling Add-On.
Record and create your own custom routes to share with the community!

This is heavily experimental. Use at your own risk.
Requires Azeroth Pilot Reloaded

Discord GitHub CurseForge Patreon


If you wish to contribute to our development, head to our GitHub!
Visit our Discord for support and translation contribution!



Route Recorder

 Allows user actions to be saved as route format for APR


  • Emote (all language)
  • Exit Vehicle
  • Get/Use Taxi
  • Buy Item to merchand
  • Button (only quest item for Qpart)
  • Instance Quest
  • Chromie Timeline
  • Use Glider
  • Done
  • Qpart
  • Gossip
  • Leave Quests
  • Set/Use HS
  • RaidIcon
  • Pickup
  • Scenario
  • IsCampaignQuest
  • Drop Quest



  • Waypoint
  • Range (by defaut waypoint : 5, qpart: 15 or 5 depending of the quest type)
  • ETA (auto for taxi)
  • Grind
  • No Arrow
  • Extra Line Text (with auto complete from APR locale in your language)
  • PickupDB/QpartDB/DoneDB
  • Zone Trigger
  • Faction
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Class
  • Has Achievement
  • Don't Have Achievement
  • Fillers
  • Button (Item and Spell)
  • Spell Trigger
  • ZoneDoneSave
  • Learn Profession
  • Don't skip video
  • QpartPart
  • Vehicle Exit
  • WarMode
  • Coord (to override)

Settings & Commands

Settings can be found through " Interface > Addons > Azeroth Pilot Reloaded: Route Recorder" or by launching the Options panel via /aprrc


Using the /aprrc prefix, the below commands are available.
Note: These commands are displayed with their shorthand versions, variations may be omitted from this list.

  • /aprrc help, h - Displays the (up-to-date) commands in-game.
  • /aprrc achievement - Add  HasAchievement step option.
  • /aprrc addjob - Add  LearnProfession step option.
  • /aprrc button, btn - Add Button or SpellButton step option.
  • /aprrc class - Add Class step option.
  • /aprrc coord - Add/override Coord step option.
  • /aprrc donedb - Add DoneDB step option.
  • /aprrc eta - Add ETA step option.
  • /aprrc export - Open export frame.
  • /aprrc faction - Add Faction step option.
  • /aprrc fillers, filler - Add Fillers step option.
  • /aprrc forcereset, fr - Clear the Saved Variables.
  • /aprrc gender - Add Gender step option.
  • /aprrc grind - Add Grind step option.
  • /aprrc instance - Add InstanceQuest step option.
  • /aprrc noachievement - Add DontHaveAchievement step option.
  • /aprrc noarrow - Add NoArrow step option.
  • /aprrc notskipvid, nsv - Add Dontskipvid step option.
  • /aprrc pickupdb - Add PickUpDB step option.
  • /aprrc qpartdb - Add QpartDB step option.
  • /aprrc qpartpart - Add QpartPart/TrigText step option.
  • /aprrc race - Add Race step option.
  • /aprrc range - Add Range step option.
  • /aprrc spelltrigger - Add SpellTrigger step option.
  • /aprrc text, txt - Add ExtraLineText step option.
  • /aprrc vehicle - Add VehicleExit step option.
  • /aprrc warmode - Add WarMode step option.
  • /aprrc waypoint - Add Waypoint step option.
  • /aprrc zonetrigger - Add ZoneStepTrigger step option.



Note: Credits are listed on the APR page here
Route Recorder by: Neogeekmo