Bad Moon Rolling


Loot rolling tool developed for raids sponsored by Bad Moon Rising. The rolls ranges implemented correspond to those decided upon by the guild for fair loot distribution during raids.

The interface used for loot distribution during raids, segregating the rolls by type:

  • RP - Role Play/Transmog rolls (Rolls from 1 to 25)
  • Off/Side/Alt - Off-spec equipment, Side-grades, and raid members raiding on an Alt (Rolls from 26 to 50)
  • Main - Want - Raider's Main, roll for wanted piece of equipment (Rolls from 51 to 75)
  • Main - Need - Raider's Main, roll for needed equipment upgrades (Rolls from 76 to 100)

Raiders are normally only allowed one "Need" roll per raid, tracked manually by the raid leader

Raid Leader interface

  • Item to be Rolled for box: - By clicking the box, the shift clicking the item to be rolled for, the raid leader can fill in an item link to send to the raid when rolling is started.
  • Start Rolling - When Announce Item is checked, sends a Raid Warning with the text of the filled edit box to announce what is being rolled upon and clears the Rolls list.

Rolls for interface:

  • Accessed by clicking the > button of the main interface.
  • Lists all received rolls for the party, ordering by roll result. Rolls which match the range listed above are color coded by the type of roll.
  • The Clear button clears all currently listed rolls.