No more "This bag is full" messages. Ever.
BagMeters displays the free and total slots per bag (character and bank bags) in an attractive, easy-to-read manner. You always see which bags are full and which are not.
Current translations are available for English (default) and French.
BagMeters does offer a few settings for you to play with. To access them, you can either:
- use World of Warcraft configuration panel
- type
(or just/bm
) in your chat.
I rarely read comments here on; should you need any help, you'd better open an issue on GitHub, where the projet lives.
BagMeters is an original creation but it was heavilly inspired by Bag Status Meter, by Madorin.
BagMeters is released under the MIT licence.
Also check my other addons: BankItems_MailWatch, Broker: Cash.
If you are an addon developer, also check my WoW Bundle for vscode extension which brings better Lua language support and WoW API highlighting to Visual Studio Code.
-- Septh