Bagnon RequiredLevel

Bagnon RequiredLevel

Recipes 2

Recipes 2

To identify which expansion a recipe belongs to, there is a number prefix preceding the required level; like 1 for Vanilla, 2 for Burning Crusade, etc... For example: an Enchanting recipe with "2.40" means that 40 in "Outland Enchanting" is required.
Recipes 3

Recipes 3

Already known recipes are coloured in dark grey.
Equipable items

Equipable items

Equipable items for which the required character level is not yet fulfilled are coloured red and the required level is displayed in the lower left of the icon.


Lockboxes display required Lockpicking skill level.
Unknown profession recipes

Unknown profession recipes

Recipes for professions the character does not know are highlighted according to the Bagnon setting for "unusable" items.
Recipes 1

Recipes 1

Recipes for which the player knows the profession but does not yet have the required skill level are also coloured red and the required level is displayed.
Goldpaw's BoE label

Goldpaw's BoE label

Goldpaw's BoE label gets replaced by required level if necessary.