Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang!


Bang! Bang! is your best allied if you like the PvP, especially if you like world-PvP. This add-on gives you severals improvements and new features that will make you enjoy even more your battles.


  • Everytime you perform a killing blow, it will automatically say Bang! Bang! and do an emote.
  • The assist buttons have been redesigned, instanced and customized for the following battlegrounds: Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, Eye of the Storm rated, Battle for Gilneas, Twin Peaks, Silvershard Mines, Temple of Kotmogu and Deepwind Gorge.
  • Icons over nameplates for tanks/healers in battlegrounds and addeds in the wanted list.
  • Custom sound for both pvp queue pops and countdown to start bg or arena.
  • Custom sound (victory/defeat) for when arena/battleground/duel ends. (new)
  • Type !hks in chat officer to expand a little ranking of actual session and total honorable kills of all guild members that have the addon. Raid/Party leader can type !hks also.
  • Duelist system, now save your duel wins and defeats. (new)
  • Wanted list system for hunt your enemy player more easy.
  • Allow an easy method to whisp your current ratings with rightClick in addon icon.
  • A world-PvP system for register killing blows and own deaths.
  • Replace original font on damage text. (new)
  • Simplified spell interrupt system.
  • Improve buff timers (new format mm:ss).
  • Rogue sap reporter.
  • Guild rank player and prestige/honor levels and kill counter in tooltip.
  • Sound and msg alert if medallion or racial has been used on target.
  • Spell id in tooltip.
  • Tooltip show player name as class color and friendly/hostile as green/red color also.
  • Countdown with sound alerter in PVPReadyDialog PopUp.
  • Autohide QuestTraker in battlegrounds or arena. (new)
  • Button to sell junk (grey items) faster.
  • Auto-repair system.

 * Modify config.lua file for move nameplate icons.
 * Add to favorites, we really appreciate it!
 * Use "/bb add" to add target to wanted list (require have target).
 * Use "/bb del" to delete target from wanted list (require have target).

Supported languages:
English, français, italian and spanish. (new)

Bug reports:
If you find any bugs with this addon, please let me know in the comments or send me a PM.

Special thanks to the following people for their assistance with this project:

  • Alard - Sanguino (translator itIT)
  • Amenamaste - Outland (beta tester)
  • Aurka - DunModr (supp. streamer:
  • Drpewpew - DunModr (translator enUS)
  • Ryukek - TwistingNether (beta tester)
  • Tito - Stormscale (main assistant)
  • Wolfwood - Sanguino (alpha tester)

Thanks to all who use and support it.
Also thanks to all people also who said that is offensive, this is the main idea.
