Barbershop Custom Textures

Barbershop Custom Textures


Barbershop Custom Textures allows custom Textures for the Gender buttons within the WoTLK Classic Barbershop..

NOTE: This is a work in progress and changes will be made as the project is refined prior to the WoTLK Classic release on 26th September.

3 Default Textures - Ability to change between Gender, Race and Body Type icons

Supports Custom Textures - Allows you to set the path to a custom Texture you'd like to use, along with specifying the Texture Coordinates. When using custom images the file must be located within the AddOn folder "Images", otherwise this will not work.

With the latest changes announced for WoTLK Classic a new option has been added by Blizzard to change your Gender / Body Type via the Barbershop. This Addon allows you to customize the textures used as well as allowing the default texture to be overwritten using either a custom texture or pre-set textures. Defaults include Race textures for each gender, or the original Gender textures previously seen at the Barbershop in WoTLK Classic Beta. The Texture can be adjusted via the Interface Settings for the AddOn, and will update automatically.

Custom Textures

This has only been tested with correctly converted .png to .blp files. For more information on this file type used by WoW please see here.

Custom textures used for this AddOn were created using the BLPConverter and simple .png files following the constraints (such as Texture sizes must be powers of two) and setting the custom coordinates for the Texture to use, essentially functioning like a Texture Atlas. Both Textures allow for individual coordinates - Please note that no support will be provided for configuring Custom Textures, and I would highly recommend googling if you experience an issue with the texture coordinates.

Slash Commands

/bst help - Prints a list of commands to the Chat window.

/bst config - Displays the Interface Option to change what Textures are used.

/bst reset - Resets the AddOn settings to default, wiping any custom textures.