Battleground Commander

Battleground Commander

Requesting Lead Options

Requesting Lead Options

There are several options when requesting lead when someone with lead doesn't have the addon
Instructions Frame

Instructions Frame

Tracks Raid Warnings and filters out duplicates, while also showing how long ago the message was sent
See who is requesting lead

See who is requesting lead

You can see who in your current group requests lead by either opening the window yourself, or get the popup automatically when a leader requests it
Leader Setup

Leader Setup

Entry protection

Entry protection

By holding shift you can re-enable the button
Configuring players

Configuring players

You can either go into the settings and add players, or right click them and select "BGC: Configure"
Cancel Entry

Cancel Entry

When the group leader declines, group members with Battleground Commander have their enter button say "X Cancel", which can be re-enabled by holding shift for a second
Battleground Options

Battleground Options

You can enable auto-queue and enable automatically requesting lead inside if you wish to do so
Configure players

Configure players

Automate certain actions for this specific players, such as marking them, giving them assistant, or automate what to do when they request lead
Addon Information

Addon Information

You can easily see who uses the addon and if they're up-to-date