Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)

Below Average Items (Low Item Level Indicator)



Below Average Items is an addon that places a small visual indicator on equipped items that are below your current iLvl average. A quick glance at your character sheet makes it easy to see which items are below average without having to examine each item individually.

A yellow visual indicator marks the below average items. A red visual indicator marks the lowest level item(s). Mousing over the visual indicator will show a tooltip with the items iLvl vs your current average.


  • Enable or Disable the addon via the addons screen.
  • There are currently no config options or slash commands for this simple addon.
  • /bai or /belowaverageitems will print the current addon version in the chat window.


  • Visual Indicator - Gives visual indicator on items that are below current average on your character sheet. (red indicator = lowest iLvl)
  • Info Tooltip - Mouse over visual indicator to see that items iLvl and your current average.
  • Note - Heirloom items on your character are ignored as their iLvl is reported as 1.


  • enUS.lua - english client
  • esES.lua - spanish client (Thanks MrUrkaz!)
  • ptBR.lua - Portuguese client (Thanks MrUrkaz!)
  • deDE.lua - German client (Thanks Spielstein!)

Official Homepage:

My Other Addons:

  • Tabard Addict - tracks how many tabards have been equipped for the various tabard achievements.
  • Faction Addict - provides additional faction information to your characters working towards faction based achievements.


  • Please see the 'Changes' tab for details on what changes in each revision.
  • Latest Release: v1.45 (2023-11-07)