Best Item

Best Item



This addon created to simplify comparison of items for you or your raid. To compare items you must just hover over the item in your inventory then addon will show your score at the bottom of the tooltip. The higher score the better item fits for you. You can hold Shift button to compare two or three (for trinkets and rings) items.

Type /bi to get help.

Options will be added soon!

All stats priority given from

Please, tell about all errors, suggestions and questions in comments.

If you can't see scores type "/bi reset" (without quotes)!


  • Takes into account weight ratio of the stats in stats priority of all classes and specs.
  • Takes into account prismatic slots in items as a slots with your best gems.

Chat Commands:

  • /bi or /bi h to get help
  • /bi get sp to get your Stat Priority
  • /bi get gem to get your best Gem that need to be in prismatic slots
  • /bi gems to set value of stat on gems that addon takes into account between 35 and 50
  • /bi on to enable addon and /bi off to disable addon
  • /bi reset to set default saves
  • /bi m raid to set raid mode and /bi m self to set self mode (default)


  • Options with weights editor for your spec
  • Offspec will show in tooltips

Known caveats:

  • To compare two one-handed axes/swords/maces with one two-handed you need to sum both scores from one-handed weapon and compare with two-handed weapon score.