Better Loot Message

Better Loot Message


Better Loot Message provide simpler and lighter loot messages.

The only purpose of this lightweight Addon is to reduce the loot messages to a minimum for a clearer information.

I've created this addon because I like to know who looted what, see my xp, etc ... in my logs. But I did not like having a big chat window just for that, the messages were long, especially in my language, so here is it.

For example, your loot will be displayed as :
"+ [object_name]"

For a party member :
"+ [player_name] : [object_name]"

For a multiple craft of a party member :
"+ [player_name]: [object_name]x2 (craft)"

Work for group loot, craft, harvesting, reputation, XP ...

This addon is really light and has an extremely low impact on the game as it only redefine the way the message are formated.

The reformated message should not be used by any other  addon since they are formatting message and not just raw text that could be used, but if you find any, feel free to share any info here.

If you find an element missing, please share it and I will look into it.

The alpha and beta version of this addon available will just display more information in case of a patern missmach between the old and new message format.