A tiny AddOn that improves the Achievement interface. It's usable by anyone, but most appreciated by those who stare at the achievement window more than they should.
This AddOn currently does the following:
- Adds the "Expansion Features" achievement category to the Achievement Summary frame (what you get when you open the achievement window). This achievement category is the only one not normally present in that interface. You can see it added below "Pet Battles" in the image.
Possible future additions:
- Add the ability to hide Achievement categories / subcategories which are complete when filtering achievements by "Incomplete". This would make it easier to get a grasp of what achievements you have left to complete.
- Add the ability to save Achievement filtering status (All / Complete / Incomplete) when closing and reopening the achievement frame.
Thanks to https://github.com/iamcal/wow-NewAddon for giving me some skeleton code to start with for my first addon.