BetterEXP V5

BetterEXP V5


BetterEXP v5 by Joelan of Terokkar
Given to me by Megalomaniacs
Formally BetterEXP v3.0 Darxide of Eredar
Modified from v2 by Zynna
Originally by Arronax and Sabar
BetterEXP is an experience bar mod that provides much more than just your
current exeperience amount.

Top bar broken up into 20 "bubbles" divided just like Blizzard's default
experience bar for easy communication with non-BetterEXP users.
Bottom bar shows your progress through the current "bubble." This allows
you to easily track your progress at higher levels where each bubble
represents 10s of thousands of experience points.
Calculates your average experience per kill and displays the number of
estimated kills you have before your next level.
Customizable colors for each bar. Your current experience count is one
color while your rested experience can be a second color so you can
easily see where your rested experience will end, unlike Blizzard's
default bar which shows a small, easy to miss icon where your rested
will end.
Resizable to fit any custom UI layout.
All /commands easily accessable from a drop down menu by right clicking
on the bar.
Slash Commands:

/bexp lock - lock exp bar
/bexp unlock - unlock exp bar
/bexp ncolor - change the color of the exp bar when not rested
/bexp rcolor - change the color of the exp bar when rested
/bexp bcolor - change the color of the "bubble" exp bar
/bexp defaultcolors - revert the colors to default values
/bexp size - change the size of the exp bar
/bexp reset - resets average exp counter


       Update to the TOC
       By request, added hiding the frame in pet battles.

       Removed old unused vertical orientation references (not going to add that option).
       Added auto reset of averages at level up.
       Added auto hide XP bar at max level.

        Updated for WoD patch 6.0.2

      I have taken over the project and will try to keep it updated as best I can.
I do not play batas of the game so updates my be slow.
So far ive made it work in MoP. Let me know if there are any issues.