BG Control

BG Control


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Help control your battlegrounds. This addon is a combination enemy talent specialization reader and friendly/enemy node balancing. See when nodes are overrun as the fight starts and how many healers there are instead of waiting for someone to call out when it is too late or worse, when the flag capture sound is played.

This is designed to help make intelligent decisions on which nodes to assist, which nodes are lost causes, who to focus kill, and who to ignore.

The addon functions by scanning the combat log, so you only get a 200 yard view of the world. Once anyone damages an enemy, or your team gets damaged, it knows where that enemy is. Healers are also able to be tagged via-chaining them to the damage dealers they healed. The more people with the addon, a more complete image of the map you will get.

Features completed:

  • Frame that lists current node state, name, enemy damage dealers, enemy healers
  • Frame is movable with right click drag on the shadowed icon at the top left of the frame
  • Percent column for friendly/enemy
  • In-BG Combat Log Syncing

Known Issues:

  • "Stale" enemy information does not drop off of active nodes (is this even wrong? How do we know they left?)
  • Node range is calculated too large on some maps
  • Flags do not have "name" associated with them
  • "Road fighting" is counted as on node

Features expected for v1.0.0 Final:

  • Addon options
  • Showing "Unknown" row for stale players
  • Showing "Road Fighters" row for players off nodes
  • Complete flag Support

Features expected for v1.1.0 Final:

  • World Map listing of enemies on nodes
  • Raid markers on friendly melee players attacking enemy top healers
  • Raid markers on friendly melee players attacking enemies who need to be mass-dispelled

Features expected for v1.2.0 Final:

  • Pre-BG reporting of team compositions
  • Saving of historical enemy talents
  • Addon message syncing for historical data