This addon is a gdkp auction tool. It allows you to process biddings on loots.
The client ( provides raiders a user friendly UI to show auction status (Top bidder, time left, etc)
The addon requires minimum bid steps :
- 1g from 0 to 55
- 50g from 55 to 1000
- 100g above 1000
/bidstart channel
- open a new session in the designed channel. If no channel, the raid chat will be used
- close a session
/bid [item]
- create a new bid using default settings
/bid [item] 30g 30s
- create a new bid, starting at 30g with a wait time of 30 seconds
/bid [item] x10 1g
- create a new bid of a stack of 10, starting at 1g
- cancel current bid
/bidconfig time 60
- set default bid duration to 60s
/bidconfig min 150
- set default starting bid to 150 gold
Original work from Guupta-Sulfuron (