



Frame of other avatars


  1. Dark material can be enabled
  2. The background color of the life bar can change according to the percentage of life value
  3. You can enable the name occupation color
  4. Value rounding can be displayed in 10000/100 million or K/M
  5. You can select the name font
  6. Numeric font can be selected
  7. Font outline can be selected


  1. Hold down Shift to drag freely during non-combat
  2. The border glows red when entering the battle
  3. Status bar background shows occupation color
  4. The background of the life bar shows the occupation color
  5. The magic bar displays a flash back to blue for 5 seconds
  6. Druid classes can choose to display additional blue bars/or energy bars in bear form
  7. You can select rare, elite and other avatar frames
  8. You can choose to customize your avatar. If you need to customize it, please contact the author
  9. You can select the font size of the name
  10. You can select the size of numeric font
  11. Status value display mode can be selected


  1. Names can be hidden
  2. You can set the name font size
  3. You can select the zoom size
  4. Status value display mode can be selected

Pet target

  1. Show or hide pet targets
  2. The avatar displays the professional icon (if it is a player)
  3. Life bar professional color (if you are a player)
  4. Names can be hidden
  5. You can set the name font size
  6. You can select the numerical font size
  7. Status value display mode can be selected


  1. Player class/NPC category small icon (player holds down Shift to copy name/left click to observe/right click to follow/middle click to cipher)
  2. Only show the Buff/Debuff countdown of your own or pet (OmniCC plug-in function)
  3. The avatar shows the class icon (if it is a player)
  4. Status bar background professional color (if player)
  5. Life bar professional color (if you are a player)
  6. Display threat value on the left
  7. You can select the font size of the name
  8. You can select the numerical font size
  9. Status value display mode can be selected
  10. Set the level of player avatar and target avatar in the middle
  11. Manually set the horizontal and vertical positions


  1. The avatar displays the professional icon (if it is a player
  2. Life bar professional color (if you are a player)
  3. Names can be hidden
  4. You can set the name font size
  5. Status value display mode can be selected


  1. Hold down Shift to drag freely during non-combat
  2. Player class/NPC category small icon (player holds down Shift to copy name/left click to observe/right click to follow/middle click to cipher)
  3. Only show the Buff/Debuff countdown of your own or pet (OmniCC plug-in function)
  4. The avatar shows the class icon (if it is a player)
  5. Status bar background professional color (if player)
  6. Life bar professional color (if you are a player)
  7. Display threat value on the left
  8. You can select the font size of the name
  9. You can select the numerical font size
  10. Status value display mode can be selected

Focus target

  1. The avatar displays the professional icon (if it is a player
  2. Life bar professional color (if you are a player)
  3. Names can be hidden
  4. You can set the name font size
  5. Status value display mode can be selected


  1. Team display team framework
  2. The avatar shows the occupation icon
  3. Professional color of life bar
  4. Display level
  5. Show the cast bar of teammates
  6. Only display the Buff countdown (OmniCC plug-in function
  7. Only display the debuff countdown that can be dispelled (OmniCC plug-in function)
  8. You can select the font size of the name
  9. You can select the numerical font size
  10. Status value display mode can be selected
  11. Manually set the horizontal and vertical positions

Teammate pet

  1. Show or hide teammate pets
  2. Names can be hidden
  3. You can set the name font size
  4. You can select the numerical font size
  5. Status value display mode can be selected

Teammate goal

  1. Show or hide teammate targets
  2. The avatar displays the professional icon (if it is a player
  3. Life bar professional color (if you are a player)
  4. You can set the name font size
  5. You can select the numerical font size
  6. Status value display mode can be selected