BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative

BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative


BigWigs is open source and development is done on GitHub. You can contribute code, localization, and report issues there:


BigWigs is a boss encounter add-on. It consists of many individual _encounter scripts_, or _boss modules_; mini add-ons that are designed to trigger alert messages, timer bars, sounds, and so forth, for one specific raid encounter.

Looking for functionality that BigWigs doesn't cover? Try these addons:

  • LittleWigs is a plugin for BigWigs and covers all forms of 5 man and solo content.
  • Capping covers various battleground and world PvP timers.
  • oRA3 covers all sorts of raid management functionality including raid cooldowns and Battle Res counting.
  • Old content can be installed by doing a search for BigWigs on Curse and installing the appropriate expansion addon.


We are always interested in hearing from you:

Our goals

When raiding, a high framerate is important. We understand that every extra frame matters, so BigWigs aims to be as efficient as possible. The memory/second and CPU/second footprint of BigWigs is the lowest of all boss mod addons.

When modules are written, every aspect of the encounter is inspected. Is add-on synchronisation required? Is target scanning required? What events are really needed?

We also aim to have the latest encounter scripts released ASAP; not long after the first few attempts of a brand new boss, we usually have a working encounter script for it.


Thanks to the wonderful WoW community for help with transcripts, translations, libraries, etc. This addon is powered by you.