BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative

BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative


i get this error on Anduin Mythic

devil81 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the problem

Hi , i get this error on mythic anduin after even wipe . Im using last version of bigwigs

What steps will reproduce the problem?

Consider attaching a screenshot below to help describe your issue (Attach directly, do not link to other websites)

What version of BigWigs are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful)

Do you have an error log of what happened?

Message: ...vUI\Libraries\Core\Ace\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:33: attempt to compare string with number
Time: Mon Jul 4 22:59:31 2022
Count: 51
Stack: ...vUI\Libraries\Core\Ace\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:33: attempt to compare string with number
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\ElvUI\Libraries\Core\Ace\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:33: in function <...vUI\Libraries\Core\Ace\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:32>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\BigWigs_SepulcherOfTheFirstOnes\AnduinWrynn.lua"]:240: in function `?'
[string "@interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua"]:529: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:495>

Any additional information? (example: WoW language if not English)


Thanks, this has now been fixed in db8a79d