Compatibility with DBM timers
MysticalOS opened this issue ยท 3 comments
With the whole fiasco of them changing CHAT_MSG_ADDON (DeadlyBossMods/DeadlyBossMods#859 (comment)) then not hearing back for a full day now, i refactored comms to just not rely on their api giving valid sender arg (by now sending sender as one of my own args). since I had to bulldoze sync compatibility anyways I also added a protocol version arg too so in future should blizzard force me to update comms with new args globally, i can just bump protocol version and not have to completely change addon prefix. anyways here is diff
basically you need to listen to D5 instead of D4 and change args. This change was also applied to classic flavors as well since it makes sense to keep everything the same. Apologize for inconvenience but who knows when/if will revert the change and I'm simply not going to rely on that after being told it was an intended change for regular channels (addon comms just being collateral damage).
Oh and from my changes, you can see your own comms don't have to change, i reformat them on my end to new format DBM expects in handler, I think only real issues I can think of are
Pull Timer
Break timer
Court of Stars (littlewigs)
@thekk1 thekk You'd have to open that with method raid tools.
I will likely be able to restore some compat with older dbm versions and older bigwigs/MRT once it's clear what blizzard is doing with CHAT_MSG_ADDON. I'm weary to trust the 5th arg right now cause then tomorrow they might move it back to 4th arg. once I know WHICH arg i can trust for sender, i'll reopen D4 comms in DBM so older versions aren't ignored outright, i just need to be able to parse the senders name accurately first.
Also thanks for quick response @funkydude