error every time I try while doing a raid
007bbb opened this issue · 1 comments
1x BigWigs: BigWigs is missing timers on "M" running 376-43f3ad3, tell the devs!
New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 1 and value 33.73.
New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 2 and value 67.04.
New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 3 and value 45.95.
[BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua]:584: in function 'Disable'
[BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua]:603: in function 'Reboot'
[BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua]:1410: in function 'Wipe'
[BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua]:1520: in function <BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua:1520>
self = <table> {
missing = <table> {
enableMobs = <table> {
optionHeaders = <table> {
journalId = 2653
name = "BigWigs_Bosses_Sprocketmonger Lockenstock"
localization = <table> {
altNames = <table> {
engageId = 3013
instanceId = 2769
colorOptions = <table> {
soundOptions = <table> {
toggleOptions = <table> {
db = <table> {
displayName = "스프로켓몽거 로켄스톡"
stage = 2
respawnTime = 30
moduleName = "Sprocketmonger Lockenstock"
toggleDefaults = <table> {
isWipe = true
isWiping = true
newBar = "New timer for %q at stage %d with placement %d and value %.2f on %d running 376-43f3ad3, tell the authors."
newBarError = "New timer for %q at stage %d with placement %d and value %.2f."
difficultyToText = <table> {
14 = "N"
16 = "M"
15 = "H"
17 = "LFR"
errorHeader = "BigWigs is missing timers on "M" running 376-43f3ad3, tell the devs!"
errorStrings = <table> {
1 = "BigWigs is missing timers on "M" running 376-43f3ad3, tell the devs!"
2 = "New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 1 and value 33.73."
3 = "New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 2 and value 67.04."
4 = "New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 3 and value 45.95."
timersText = "BigWigs is missing timers on "M" running 376-43f3ad3, tell the devs!
New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 1 and value 33.73.
New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 2 and value 67.04.
New timer for "1216802" at stage 1 with placement 3 and value 45.95."
enabledModules = <table> {
bossUtilityFrame = Frame {
petUtilityFrame = Frame {
activeNameplateUtilityFrame = Frame {
inactiveNameplateUtilityFrame = Frame {
nameplateWatcher = AnimationGroup {
engagedGUIDs = <table> {
activeNameplates = <table> {
unitTargetScans = <table> {
unitEventMap = <table> {
eventMap = <table> {
widgetEventMap = <table> {
allowedEvents = <table> {
loader = <table> {
core = <table> {
db = <table> {
C = <table> {
name = "BigWigs"
This error occurs every time I try while doing a raid