BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative

BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative


Bar error after spec swap

Malcanthet opened this issue ยท 38 comments


What version of BigWigs are you using?

Latest download from curse v8

Using ElvUI, AddOn Skins and BigWigs and Little Wigs.

Since Legion launch I've had the following issue: first I get the first error,
it doesn't appear straight away, sometimes it would work for a dungeon or two. I checked the BigWigs bar settings font size, time and text align had all been made blank, as I fixed them all it would pop up with a new error, when I'd put in the numbers again it came up with the second lua error I'm posting. Disabling AddOn Skins skinning fixes the issue so I've done so for now. I deleted the previous settings as well from WTF folder and re-did things, still came up with the errors.

First Error:

Message: Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1468: Usage: :SetJustifyH("justify")
Time: 09/07/16 10:40:29
Count: 1
Stack: C: ?
C: in function SetJustifyH' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1468: in function?'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:637: in function SendMessage' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:1422: in functionBar'
...Ons\LittleWigs\Legion\AssaultOnVioletHold\Betrug.lua:43: in function OnEngage' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:707: in functionEngage'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:530: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:52: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:47>


After setting all bar settings again:

Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:882: attempt to compare number with nil
Time: 09/07/16 10:47:10
Count: 1
Stack: (tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:882: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:881>
C: in function sort' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:900: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:885> Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1499: in function?'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:637: in function SendMessage' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:258: in functionTest'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Options\Options.lua:83: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Options\Options.lua:82>
(tail call): ?

[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:799: in function <...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:614>
(tail call): ?

[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[4]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
...ace\AddOns\AddOnSkins\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:314: in function `Fire'
...kins\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-Button.lua:28: in function <...kins\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-Button.lua:25>


If you need any more information just ask.


Edit: I spoke to soon, popped up today again, this time it started when I entered Vault of the Wardens, was fine in Maw of Souls and Neltharion's lair before that. Blank numbers on the align text when I exited, leave it for five mins or so and numbers reset to normal without me touching them.


Please make sure your setting for "Align Text" has a value and is not blank. If it has no value, select one, and try a test bar.


Does it happen if you only have BigWigs enabled?


Just checked, it has a value, what seems to happen is on some encounters it seems to reset itself. Then when I leave a dungeon it comes back and it is fine. Last night it happened on mythic VH on the first boss enounter, after we switched to mythic Maw of Souls and it was fine for the entire instance. I then entered mythic Vaut of the Wardens and it didn't work for the first and last boss but the rest seemed fine. It seems so random, I have no idea what cause could be.


No idea, would require some testing, have only had issue once over the past few days, it was when someone created a pull timer bar and I didn't get a bar and the align reset, not sure if that's relevant but will mention it. Will get back to you on the other bit once I get a chance to test without anything else.


Using v9.

I had no issues for a bit so decided to test with no add ons for a while, no problems. Put all add ons in again and I've had one issue so far. It was on the 2nd boss in heroic Neltharion's lair (Ularogg iirc). What seemed to happen once I closely inspected all settings was that the scale was set to blank for the regular bars and also the two align options (a side effect of the scale being blank perhaps?). What also seems to happen when it happens is it shows me Big Wigs messages still and also the default Blizzard boss emotes (normally turned off).

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help narrow down why this happens.


I should add I've ran heroic and mythic Neltharion's lair after without incident.


All I can assume is one of your addons is messing with your settings. Please do a search for BigWigs in all Lua files in your addons folder.


Did you find anything?


A list of addons isn't of much use. For all I know, it could be caused by one of your WeakAura strings. You'll need to use a program like Notepad++ and search for BigWigs in your WoW folder and check what files it finds hits in.


I just thought I'd list them in case there were any conflicts I didn't know about that you did. Not a problem, already have notepad++. Is it the WTF files you want me to check? I did already (I should've mentioned that in hindsight, early morning, pre coffee brain doesn't function too well) and it doesn't come up with anything unless in ElvUI for the addonskins part and those are set to false.


Both the WTF folder (WeakAura strings) and the Interface folder (addons) would be a good idea.


Rechecked the WTF files, nothing there. Will check the addons folder as well, will take longer so will get back to you once I'm done.


In the Weak auras prototypes.lua there are refrences to Big Wigs, starts at line 1871

-- BigWigs
  ["BigWigs Message"] = {
    type = "event",
    events = {
    name = L["BigWigs Message"],
    init = function(trigger)
      local ret = "local use_cloneId = %s;"
      return ret:format(trigger.use_cloneId and "true" or "false");
    statesParameter = "all",
    canHaveAuto = true,
    args = {
        name = "addon",
        init = "arg",
        display = L["BigWigs Addon"],
        type = "string"
        name = "spellId",
        init = "arg",
        display = L["Spell Id"],
        type = "number",
        store = true
        name = "text",
        init = "arg",
        display = L["Message"],
        type = "longstring",
        store = true
        name = "name",
        init = "text",
        hidden = true,
        test = "true",
        store = true
      {}, -- Importance, might be useful
        name = "icon",
        init = "arg",
        hidden = true,
        test = "true",
        store = true
        name = "cloneId",
        display = L["Clone per Event"],
        type = "toggle",
        test = "true",
        init = "use_cloneId and WeakAuras.GetUniqueCloneId() or ''"
  ["BigWigs Timer"] = {
    type = "status",
    events = {
      "BigWigs_StartBar", "BigWigs_StopBar", "BigWigs_Timer_Update",
    force_events = "BigWigs_Timer_Force",
    name = L["BigWigs Timer"],
    canHaveAuto = true,
    canHaveDuration = true,
    triggerFunction = function(trigger)
      local ret = [[
        return function(states, event, id)
        local triggerAddon = %s;
        local triggerSpellId = %s;
        local triggerText = %s;
        local triggerTextOperator = "%s";

      ret = ret:format(trigger.use_addon and ('"' .. (trigger.addon or '') .. '"') or "nil",
                       trigger.use_spellId and tostring(trigger.spellId) or "nil",
                       trigger.use_text and ('"' .. (trigger.text or '') .. '"') or "nil",
                       trigger.use_text and trigger.text_operator or ""

      local copyOrSchedule;
      if (trigger.use_remaining) then
        local ret2 = [[
          local remainingCheck = %s;
        ret = ret .. ret2:format(trigger.remaining or 0);
        copyOrSchedule = [[
          local remainingTime = bar.expirationTime - GetTime()
          if (remainingTime %s %s) then
            WeakAuras.CopyBigWigsTimerToState(bar, states, id);
          elseif (states[id] and states[id].show) then
              states[id].show = false;
              states[id].changed = true;
          if (remainingTime >= remainingCheck) then
            WeakAuras.ScheduleBigWigsCheck(bar.expirationTime - remainingCheck);
        copyOrSchedule = copyOrSchedule:format(trigger.remaining_operator or "", trigger.remaining or 0);
        copyOrSchedule = [[
          WeakAuras.CopyBigWigsTimerToState(bar, states, id);

      if (trigger.use_cloneId) then
        ret = ret .. [[
          if (event == "BigWigs_StartBar") then
            if (WeakAuras.BigWigsTimerMatches(id, triggerAddon, triggerSpellId, triggerTextOperator, triggerText)) then
              local bar = WeakAuras.GetBigWigsTimerById(id);
        ret = ret .. copyOrSchedule;
        ret = ret .. [[
          elseif (event == "BigWigs_StopBar") then
            if (states[id]) then
              states[id].show = false;
              states[id].changed = true;
          elseif (event == "BigWigs_Timer_Update") then
            for id, bar in pairs(WeakAuras.GetAllBigWigsTimers()) do
              if (WeakAuras.BigWigsTimerMatches(id, triggerAddon, triggerSpellId, triggerTextOperator, triggerText)) then
        ret = ret .. copyOrSchedule;
        ret = ret .. [[
          elseif (event == "BigWigs_Timer_Force") then
            for id, bar in pairs(WeakAuras.GetAllBigWigsTimers()) do
              if (WeakAuras.BigWigsTimerMatches(id, triggerAddon, triggerSpellId, triggerTextOperator, triggerText)) then
        ret = ret .. copyOrSchedule;
        ret = ret .. [[
          return true;
        return ret;
        ret = ret .. [[
          local bar = WeakAuras.GetBigWigsTimer(triggerAddon, triggerSpellId, triggerTextOperator, triggerText);
          local id = "";
          if (bar) then
        ret = ret .. copyOrSchedule;
        ret = ret .. [[
            if (states[""] and states[""].show) then
              states[""].show = false;
              states[""].changed = true;
          return true;
        return ret;
    statesParameter = "full",
    canHaveAuto = true,
    args = {
        name = "addon",
        display = L["BigWigs Addon"],
        type = "string",
        name = "spellId",
        display = L["Spell Id"], -- Correct?
        type = "number",
        name = "text",
        display = L["Message"],
        type = "longstring",
        name = "remaining",
        display = L["Remaining Time"],
        type = "number",
        name = "cloneId",
        display = L["Clone per Event"],
        type = "toggle",
        test = "true",
        init = "use_cloneId and WeakAuras.GetUniqueCloneId() or ''"
    automaticrequired = true,

In Weak Auras Generic Trigger.lua, starts at line 1770:

-- BigWigs
  local registeredBigWigsEvents = {}
  local bars = {};
  local nextExpire; -- time of next expiring timer
  local recheckTimer; -- handle of timer

  local function recheckTimers()
    local now = GetTime();
    nextExpire = nil;
    for id, bar in pairs(bars) do
      if (bar.expirationTime < now) then
        bars[id] = nil;
        WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BigWigs_StopBar", id);
      elseif (nextExpire == nil) then
        nextExpire = bar.expirationTime;
      elseif (bar.expirationTime < nextExpire) then
        nextExpire = bar.expirationTime;

    if (nextExpire) then
      recheckTimer = timer:ScheduleTimer(recheckTimers, nextExpire - now);

  local function bigWigsEventCallback(event, ...)
    if (event == "BigWigs_Message") then
      WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BigWigs_Message", ...);
    elseif (event == "BigWigs_StartBar") then
      local addon, spellId, text, duration, icon = ...
      local now = GetTime();
      local expirationTime = now + duration;

      local newBar;
      bars[text] = bars[text] or {};
      local bar = bars[text];
      bar.addon = addon;
      bar.spellId = spellId;
      bar.text = text;
      bar.duration = duration;
      bar.expirationTime = expirationTime;
      bar.icon = icon;
      WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BigWigs_StartBar", spellId);
      if (nextExpire == nil) then
        recheckTimer = timer:ScheduleTimer(recheckTimers, expirationTime - now);
        nextExpire = expirationTime;
      elseif (expirationTime < nextExpire) then
        recheckTimer = timer:ScheduleTimer(recheckTimers, expirationTime - now);
        nextExpire = expirationTime;
    elseif (event == "BigWigs_StopBar") then
      local addon, text = ...
      if(bars[text]) then
        WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BigWigs_StopBar", text);
        bars[text] = nil;
    elseif (event == "BigWigs_StopBars"
            or event == "BigWigs_OnBossDisable"
            or event == "BigWigs_OnPluginDisable") then
      local addon = ...
      for key, bar in pairs(bars) do
        if (bar.addon == addon) then
          bars[key] = nil;
          WeakAuras.ScanEvents("BigWigs_StopBar", key);

  function WeakAuras.RegisterBigWigsCallback(event)
    if (registeredBigWigsEvents [event]) then
    if (BigWigsLoader) then
      BigWigsLoader:RegisterMessage(event, bigWigsEventCallback);
      registeredBigWigsEvents [event] = true;

  function WeakAuras.RegisterBigWigsTimer()

  function WeakAuras.CopyBigWigsTimerToState(bar, states, id)
    states[id] = states[id] or {};
    local state = states[id]; = true;
    state.changed = true;
    state.addon = bar.addon;
    state.spellId = bar.spellId;
    state.text = bar.text; = bar.text;
    state.duration = bar.duration;
    state.expirationTime = bar.expirationTime;
    state.resort = true;
    state.progressType = "timed";
    state.icon = bar.icon;

  function WeakAuras.BigWigsTimerMatches(id, addon, spellId, textOperator, text)
    if(not bars[id]) then
      return false;

    local v = bars[id];
    local bestMatch;
    if (addon and addon ~= v.addon) then
      return false;
    if (spellId and spellId ~= v.spellId) then
      return false;
    if (text) then
      if(textOperator == "==") then
        if (v.text ~= text) then
          return false;
      elseif (textOperator == "find('%s')") then
        if (v.text == nil or not v.text:find(text)) then
          return false;
      elseif (textOperator == "match('%s')") then
        if (v.text == nil or v.text:match(text)) then
          return false;
    return true;

  function WeakAuras.GetAllBigWigsTimers()
    return bars;

  function WeakAuras.GetBigWigsTimerById(id)
    return bars[id];

  function WeakAuras.GetBigWigsTimer(addon, spellId, text, operator)
    local bestMatch
    for id, bar in pairs(bars) do
      if (WeakAuras.BigWigsTimerMatches(id, addon, spellId, text, operator)) then
        if (bestMatch == nil or bar.expirationTime < bestMatch.expirationTime) then
          bestMatch = bar;
    return bestMatch;

  local scheduled_scans = {};

  local function doBigWigsScan(fireTime)
    WeakAuras.debug("Performing BigWigs scan at "..fireTime.." ("..GetTime()..")");
    scheduled_scans[fireTime] = nil;
  function WeakAuras.ScheduleBigWigsCheck(fireTime)
    if not(scheduled_scans[fireTime]) then
      scheduled_scans[fireTime] = timer:ScheduleTimer(doBigWigsScan, fireTime - GetTime() + 0.1, fireTime);
      WeakAuras.debug("Scheduled BigWigs scan at "..fireTime);


I was just going to write you. I wanted to runt with it for a few days to see if any issues would crop up that could put a light on the problem. I'd not had any issues for a few days then yesterday I had it come up twice. Once before first boss in mythic HoV. I relogged after boss and it fixed itself. The second time was at first boss in mythic Vault of the Wardens when leader created a pull timer.

I have different settings for specs (dps and heal) that's set to switch automatically, if that has any relevance. I don't think it should but at this stage I'm just trying to come up with anything that could be an issue. Times like these I wish I knew more code myself :)

The only addon I can think of that directly tinkers with settings is AddOnSkins and I have the BigWigs skinning option disabled in there. I don't think any other addons I use would affect it (not that I could see by seraching). Here is a list:

  • ElvUI
  • AddOnSkins
  • Clique
  • Postal
  • LittleWigs
  • BigWigs
  • Weak Auras

Now I feel silly. Especially since I've used that function before.






Nothing really points out to me unfortunately. The only thing I can think of is a buggy WeakAura. I would say try and see if you can reproduce it with WA disabled, but you said it's already difficult to reproduce.

The other option is exit the game, completely delete your SavedVariables files and start fresh.


I deleted and re-did all the saved variables bar the elvui and weakauras ones a couple of days ago. I'll see about disabling weak auras, I'd hate to have to rewrite all of them (all classes, mutliple specs) but if I have to I have to same goes for elvui, will have to do those when I get some spare time and do one at a time. If I ever localise it. I'll be sure to let you know. Thanks for all the help!


I deleted and re-did all the saved variables bar the elvui and weakauras ones a couple of days ago.

Yet it's happened since you did that I assume? :/

I'd hate to have to rewrite all of them

There would be no reason for this, the ones you've wrote yourself you know aren't making changes. My assumption here is a foreign string, I'm probably wrong.


Yeah, sadly it did. I'll recheck them, I'm assuming the auras have to be loaded for it to actually cause an error? If that's the case it eliminates all but the shaman ones, I'll have a look through them tonight/tomorrow and see if I can find anything.


When searching your WTF folder, you should have got multiple hits from the BigWigs saved variables, unless you're ignoring them for the sake of this issue.

Same goes for searching the Interface folder, was WeakAuras the only addon with hits?


I was ignoring them (the bigwigs/littlewigs luas) on purpose since I assumed the hits would be plenty there but that's to be expected and I assumed unrelated to the issue if I could of course have assumed wrong (do say if I did), my knowledge on these issues is limited at best. Not had time to search through every single file yet but so far only weak auras (checked over half of them so far). The ones I know will have them is the bigwigs.lua in addonskins (but I've disabled that so not sure if that has relevance). Is there anything I can exclude from the search to perhaps speed up the process? Again I'm ignoring bigwigs/littlewigs luas, mostly because I know the hits will be there and I'm unsure how to limit it to what will be useful information to you.


Don't search every file manually. Open notepad++, press ctrl+f, navigate to "Find in Files", type in BigWigs, set the directory to your WoW directory and hit "Find All".


Just thought I'd check in again. I was planning on writing a couple of days ago since I'd had no issues then irony struck and gave the same issue on that day, I felt a strong urge to bang my head against my keyboard. Apart from that one issue (heroic Neltharion's lair) I've not had any problems though. I'd removed the two things that I thought may have been the culprits (some weird WA remenant from using Iskar Assist back in WoD (deleted) and a custom cloudburst totem WA (also deleted)) alas it turns out I was mistaken. At this point I have no idea what causes it still and since it's so rare it's hard to test since I can't seem to force it to appear.

Question: Could WA's that don't use custom code still cause issues?


Not to my knowledge, no. At this point if it takes 21 days to try and reproduce it there's really nothing more we can do. Going to close this, feel free to add to it if you resolve it.


I think I've worked out what actually causes it to reset, no idea why it does it though. I have dual spec settings enabled (dps and heal) and they're set to auto switch when I spec switch, when I do that it wipes the regular bar scale and the text/time align. I kept switching btwn the two in EN last night and it kept wiping the settings. A relog fixes it.


Leaving actual error:

3x BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:882: attempt to compare two nil values
BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:882: in function <BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:881>
C: in function `sort'
BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:900: in function <BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:885>
BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:936: in function <BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:931>
[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4>

[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:13: in function ?' ...ibraries\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:90: in functionFire'
...BL_Cooldown\libs\LibCandyBar-3.0\LibCandyBar-3.0-93.lua:326: in function Stop' BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1286: in function?'
BigWigs\Loader.lua:652: in function `SendMessage'
BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:242: in function <BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:199>
(tail call): ?

[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
ElvUI\Libraries\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:593: in function <ElvUI\Libraries\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:586>
(tail call): ?
BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:738: in function Win' BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:828: in function?'
BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:50: in function <BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:45>



when I do that it wipes the regular bar scale and the text/time align

Only these 3 settings? Nothing else?

I've tried to reproduce it by creating 3 spec profiles but nothing is reset when I switch. This was using a clean WTF profile, but I assume you tried this?


I did yes, I'll try it again tonight and re-check what changes since I've had it on manual switch for some time now.


I retested it last night. Even if I have the spec switch enabled or not (as in it changes for me or I manually change it) doesn't seem to matter. I still get an error, however, unlike before I now do still get all the bars showing I couldn't see any settings actually restetting in the options this time. The error I get is this:

Message: Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:653: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
Time: 12/11/16 21:14:49
Count: 244
Stack: [C]: in function ?' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:653: in function SendMessage'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:816: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:682: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:681>


It could be an issue with the spec swapping library, but it would be an odd one if it was only those 3 options.


That error doesn't seem related at all. I doubt you'd get that error with only BigWigs enabled.


It only started appearing a couple of weeks ago as well so most likely (as you say) another issue altogether, the original issue I had doesn't seem to be happening any more though (since that would just make the bars stop appearing altogether) which is a good thing. I didn't connect it wasn't the same since I'd stopped using auto switch a while back. I'll work on seeing if I can find what add-on's causing this issue.


That error should now be prevented by the callback restrictions in the latest release.


Tried it and still getting this:

Message: Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1456: Usage: :SetJustifyH("justify")
Time: 12/17/16 09:28:58
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: ?
[C]: in function SetJustifyH' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1456: in function ?'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:633: in function SendMessage' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:1484: in function CDBar'
...s\LittleWigs\Legion\HallsOfValor\God-KingSkovald.lua:36: in function OnEngage' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:726: in function Engage'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:549: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:45: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:40>


When I spec swapped outside of dungeon after I left it came up with this:

Message: Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:609: :RegisterMessage(message, function) attempted to register the function 'OnDBMSync' but it doesn't exist!
Time: 12/17/16 09:36:35
Count: 1
Stack: (tail call): ?
[C]: in function error' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:609: in function RegisterMessage'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1075: in function v' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:631: in function SendMessage'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:294: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\Core.lua:293>
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:4>
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:13: in function ?' ...ibraries\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90: in function Fire'
...rface\AddOns\ElvUI\Libraries\AceDB-3.0\AceDB-3.0.lua:465: in function SetProfile' ...igWigs_Core\Libs\LibDualSpec-1.0\LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:184: in function CheckDualSpecState'
...igWigs_Core\Libs\LibDualSpec-1.0\LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:416: in function <...igWigs_Core\Libs\LibDualSpec-1.0\LibDualSpec-1.0.lua:400>


Here are screenshots of bar settings after error (seems I was wrong earlier it wipes most things it seems).


Fixed that second error.


First error is probably fixed by ea16aa5