BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative

BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative


Boss ability counter missing or not working (e.g. Armageddon on KJ)

shrpz opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Play the Kil'Jaeden encounter in Tomb of Sargeras.

What version of BigWigs are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful)


Do you have an error log of what happened?

Any additional information? (example: WoW language if not English) (Attach screenshots here if available, do not link externally)

No, but the issue is: The counter on which occurrence of the Armageddon ability happens just goes up to 2 and then starts again at 1. It would be really helpful to have a working counter, because you normally assign soaker to numbers. This is a real disadvantage of big wigs.


The Armageddon counter resets on the start of the intermission and phase 2. This is intended behavior.


If you have 1 Armageddon in p1, they will be able to soak by the time you push p2. If you have 2 in p1, p2 will start at the count of 1.

Same thing applies in p2, there shouldn't be any overlap.