BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative

BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative


Heroic Xavius

Viper513 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Heroic Xavius midway through the first phase

What version of BigWigs are you using?


Do you have an error log of what happened?

Message: Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1484: attempt to compare nil with number
Time: 10/13/16 22:07:41
Count: 3
Stack: [C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Plugins\Bars.lua:1484: in function ?' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs\Loader.lua:652: in functionSendMessage'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:1492: in function CDBar' Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Nightmare\Xavius.lua:246: in function?'
Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:354: in function <Interface\AddOns\BigWigs_Core\BossPrototype.lua:339>


Please provide any additional information below. (example: localization of your client if not enUS or enGB)

Spams my interface with a series of these errors. Somewhere around 16-30ish according to error filter. Not sure why this is happening