BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative

BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative


Thaddius: Stalagg and Feugen tank swap timer

Mard35 opened this issue · 10 comments


Timer for tank swap ability for Stalagg and Feugen encounter doesn't end even after Stalagg and Feugen death. Voice countdown for this timer doesn't end too until Thaddius' death


@Mard35 This is because you are using the Russian client when Russian translations are missing. The only way to fix this is to provide the missing translations.


@Mard35 This is because you are using the Russian client when Russian translations are missing. The only way to fix this is to provide the missing translations.

And what's the problem to fix them?


Could you write out those messages? hard to copy it from an image when we arn't used to the Russian alphabet :(


And what's the problem to fix them?

The entire Russian file will need reviewed and missing translations added, not just that one. Translations are not provided with screenshots, they are provided with text.


Фойген умирает.
Сталагг умирает.
Катушка Теслы перезагружается!


Фойген умирает.
Сталагг умирает.
Катушка Теслы перезагружается!

I updated the triggers using those

The timer should have stopped when Thaddius went active, though. Are these lines correct? (they have to match exactly what is shown in-game)

	L.trigger_phase2_1 = "Я сожру... ваши... кости..."
	L.trigger_phase2_2 = "Растерзаю!!!"
	L.trigger_phase2_3 = "Убью..."

Фойген умирает.
Сталагг умирает.
Катушка Теслы перезагружается!

I updated the triggers using those

The timer should have stopped when Thaddius went active, though. Are these lines correct? (they have to match exactly what is shown in-game)

	L.trigger_phase2_1 = "Я сожру... ваши... кости..."
	L.trigger_phase2_2 = "Растерзаю!!!"
	L.trigger_phase2_3 = "Убью..."

I don't know where these phrases must be, i never seen them. I have seen the following phrases:
When Feugen kills someone, he yells: Фойген делает хозяина счастливым.
When Stalagg increases his attack speed, he yells: Сталагг убивать!
When Thaddius activates, he yells: Отведайте... своих... костей...
When polarity shift cast finished, he yells: Теперь тебе больно...
When Thaddius dies, he yells: Спасибо... тебе...

Maybe I missed something else, because I don't have the beginning of the boss fight recording


They are from the WotLK version of Naxxramas and apparently none of them are the same as classic 😞

Отведайте... своих... костей... is the first one. From videos, Убей... looks to be the correct third one, so I'm just missing the second, which is Break... you!! in English.


@Mard35 Is it possible to get that final Break... you!! translation?


No response from @Mard35 so closing.