Big Battle Shout

Big Battle Shout


Queue T2 3-set equipment and auto swap back after battle shout is cast.


  •  Keybind gear swap.
  •  Auto detects which T2 pieces you have, selects the most favourable (On use slots have lowest priority)
  •  Auto detects Solarian's Sapphire.
  •  Swap queuable in combat.
  •  No commands for usage. Just configure a keybind [Keybindings > AddOns > BigBattleShout] or macro '/run BBS_QueueSwap()'


Command: '/bbs' or '/bigbattleshout'

Iterates through the 4 options
Option 1: Top trinket. Top trinket slot (13) is always used.
Option 2: Bottom trinket. Bottom trinket slot (14) is always used.
Option 3: Auto (Top). Automatically detects which trinket slot to use based on usabiliy/cooldowns of your trinkets, defaults to top trinket slot if equal cd.
Option 4 Auto (Bottom). Same as option 3 but defaults to bottom trinket slot.