


BigSay (World of Warcraft Addon)
Copyright 2008-2012 T.G.(farmer1992#gmail#com)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

The original author: T.G.(farmer1992#gmail#com) has authorized doneykoo(doneykoo#gmail#com) to setup and manage this project on Curse.


Enhanced chat converter works like %T, which says various infomation of target, mouseover, etc.


1 How to use

After you installed this addon, certain codes in your chat can be converted to specific contents, which works just like %T.

Supported codes:

  • %T target unit name (wow system original)
  • %TT target of target
  • %S raid icon , it will be replaced with visual raid icons, i.e., {rt2} {rt3} etc...
  • %R race
  • %C class
  • %H health , it will be displayed as xxxx/xxxx
  • %M mana , it will be displayed as xxxx/xxxx
  • %P health percentage, fixed with one digit after point, displayed as xx.x%
  • %X current map position of player
  • %Z current map zone name of player

Example use in macro, which do an alert of the target unit and focus the target unit:

/stopmacro [target=target,noexists]
/1 %R %S >> %T << %C  HP: %P Pos:%X
/bg %R %S >> %T << %C  HP: %P
/RA %R %S >> %T << %C  HP: %P
/Y  %Z Pos:%X
/Y %R %S >> %T << %C  HP: %P

the followings starting with %O,when a unit exists under mouseover, it convert to info of mouseover unit;
when no unit exist under mouseover, it refer to your current target unit.
Infomation includes: name, race, raid icon, class, health, health percentage, mana.

  • %OT name
  • %OR race
  • %OS raid icon
  • %OC class
  • %OP health percentage, one digit fixed.
  • %OH health
  • %OM mana

Example use in macro (change XXSpell to spell such as Hand of Protection, Repentance):

/y XXSpell >> %OS %OT << %OC %OP !
/cast [target=mouseover,exists]XXSpell;XXSpell

2 Does is require other players to install this addon

This works just like %T, which does not require other players to install this addon.

3 Meets Problem? Why I Can't Say Them?


  • %S must be used as upper-case, which will be converted by this addon. However, %s which is lower-case, won't be converted. This is because that you can still type the actual text out when you need to, for example when you want to teach others to use the codes.
  • if the target does not have the attribute, for example: an NPC has no class, or even if you does not have a target selected, the code %? will be converted to empty, i.e., a string "" containing no text.




1 如何使用



  • %T 目标 (系统自带)
  • %TT 目标的目标
  • %S 团队标记符号 (将被替换成可见图形,即{大饼} {菱形} 等)
  • %R 种族
  • %C 职业
  • %H 血量 ,显示为 xxxx/xxxx
  • %M 法力 ,显示为 xxxx/xxxx
  • %P 小数点1位的百分比血量,显示为 xx.x%
  • %X 玩家当前地图坐标
  • %Z 玩家当前地图区域名称


/stopmacro [target=target,noexists]
/1 %R %C %S【%T】 HP: %P 坐标:%X
/bg %R %S >> %T << %C  HP: %P
/RA %R %S >> %T << %C  HP: %P
/Y  %Z 坐标:%X
/Y %R %S >> %T << %C  HP: %P


  • %OT 单位名称
  • %OR 种族
  • %OS 团队标记符号
  • %OC 职业
  • %OP 小数点1位的百分比血量
  • %OH 血量
  • %OM 法力

在宏中使用的例子,对鼠标悬停目标 / 目标使用保护之手、忏悔等法术时,喊话通报:

/y 【保护之手】 》%OS %OT《 %OC %OP !
/cast [target=mouseover,exists]保护之手;保护之手

2 需要别人安装么


3 我怎么喊不出来


  • %S 大写 会被转化 但%s 小写不会被转化 这么做是为了方便教别人使用
  • 如果 目标没有这个属性 比如 npc就不会有职业 或者你干脆就没有目标 %? 会被替换为空 就是什么都没有