


Tells you which blob to kill at the Yor'sahj encounter in Dragon Soul.

Main features:

  • Requires Big Wigs: All code is Load-On-Demand, it won't load until you're at the boss.
  • Update the rotation of other raid members with the click of a button.
  • Broadcast a Raid Warning to your raid.
  • Usable in LFR, Normal & Heroic.
  • Simple and easy to use config.


  • Requires Big Wigs.
  • Only configurable at the boss since that's when the config loads.


  • /bwyp can be used to open the config once it has loaded.
  • The selection sliders adapt to the difficulty you're on, there are actually 3 different profiles. (LFR, Normal, Heroic) Which is chosen depends on the difficulty of the zone you're in.