Bill's Time To DIe

Bill's Time To DIe


Bill's Time To Die displays up to seven different estimates for dying units and how long you have been in combat.

You can have displays for:

  • player
  • target
  • targettarget
  • pet
  • pettarget
  • focus
  • focustarget
  • and 1 for each party member

You also can have a display telling you how long the current combat session has lasted.

There is also an optional alarm for you, your pet, and your party members that will alert you if their time to die gets low.

Target frames can also suggest when to use your "execute" ability (Kill Shot, Shadow Word: Death, etc.). On all but monk it will color code the indicator by your chances of getting a kill from it by averaging past uses of the spell's damage.

It has a bunch movable frames that, if you don't like the default layout you can type "/t2d toggle" and once you put them where you want them type "/t2d toggle" and the frames will hide themselves. Non-enabled frames will not show in the display to keep it cleaner when positioning the timers where you like. The frame positions are saved to the active profile so you only need to position them once. You can also change the text anchors on the frames so that the text will expand to the left or the right. (type /t2d anchor when free move is enabled with the mouse over the frame or you can change the anchors in the config panel)

The timers themselves now display in a monospaced font so they look nicer, however you can enable the old font if you prefer that.

All settings may be stored either globally or per character so you can decide if everyone needs their own layout or not.

You have the options of enabling or disabling each display frame individually.

This AddOn is multi-target aware as it computes each mob's time to die is even when you are not targeting it, or any mob. As long as they are close enough to fire events on their health the data will update. Any mob that dies gets deleted from the database (after 4 minutes so it doesn't get a rescan when you target for looting or what not), as well as any mob that has not had an update in 10 minutes(Hard coded default).

I recommend that you do hide the frames as they are mouse interactable when not hidden and will intercept clicks, drags, and mouseovers when not hidden.

The text color changes based on who it appears is going to die first.  The more likely of the unit dying first the more red. The more likely of living then green text. A close tie, yellow... and many colors between. This is done by comparing who's frame (player/pet/target/pettarget) and dividing by the respective opposing frame (i.e. target T2D / player T2D) and coloring on a 0% (red) - 100%(yellow) - 200% (green) gradient. There is an adjustment in the GUI config panel if you want to change the scale along with a ton more options.

There are many options including text size, max time to die to display (30:00 minutes by default) and more.

type "/t2d" for the command line list or "/t2d config" to change even more options in the GUI configuration panel.