


I wrote this addon, because I didn't like PallyPower. My addon gives you more control over the buffs, as you choose blessings unit based not class based.

Compared to PallyPower


  • It counts as unit frame, so you can use mouse over macros
  • You can see how much time an unit has left from a specific buff
  • You can target the unit with middle click


  • The frame can be bigger than PallyPower (customizable)
  • Not possible to set who-uses-what, instead it is automatically determined by the addon

Choosing which buff will be cast with left and right clicks:

  • If already has a buff (or one expired) from the player then that will be used on left click
  • If unit name has specific blessing priority set up then that will be used on left and right click
  • Class priority will be used on left and right click


When a unit has a Blessing from another paladin that will be skipped (hence the priority).


Paladin A casts Blessing of Kings on player P, then Paladin B wants to use the addon, because P has already has Kings, Blessing of Wisdom will be used instead (this is based on the default priority, which can be changed).


The units consists of 4 part:

  • Left icon: The Blessing that will be cast with left click
  • Right icon: The Blessing that will be cast with right click
  • Name in the middle (maximum characters can be specified in the settings)
  • Time left from the Blessing on the right


The icon is split into two parts to save space, instead of showing two full icons. Check the images for an example.