


BlindSlash is targeted at the blind audience. It enables a few Chatcommands that can be helpful for blind people with the new TTS feature of  9.1 activated. It is only meant to be a sidekick to other addons. Blindlash now has pathing to quests and available quests on the map.

 Anyone that is interested in mapping the zones or uses BlindSlah themselfes can join our discord.

                                                                                        DISCORD FOR MAPPING THE WORLD

List of Commands right now : /bsexplain will describe the addon.

                                                       /bs                  reads out List of all Chatcommands. 

                                                      /waylist            will open a list of TomTom waypoints made by mappers. it has get to quest navigation aswell. the new capital city valdrakken is in.

                                                      /bsmute           will toggle to mute many automactic sounds by BlindSlash.

                                                       /bsbind followed by a keybinding and a spell item or bs command will bind that command to that key.  /bsbind O Hearthstone.  /bsbind CRTL-S spin. or together with the Addon ExtraQuestButton you can do /bsbind O questbutton.

                                                       /name            reads out  current target name. Macros like /targetenemy /name can be usefull with this.

                                                       /coords          reads out coordinates of the player position.

                                                       /zone              reads out  MinimapZone.

                                                      /compass      reads out  compass direction  of your character is facing.

                                                      /date                reads out  date.

                                                      /clock              reads out  current time.

                                                      /roles              reads out  roles of ur partymembers.

                                                      /importweakaura     makes it easier to import weakauras without clicking stuff. Just copy paste the import string afterwards and type /importaccept.

                                                      /importaccept    finishes import of a weakaura string.

                                                     /dis                    reads out  distance to PointsOfInterest like tracked Quest or Blizzard Waypoint. Very useful to get out of buildings together with  /pinindoorson activated.

                                                     /pin                    sets Blizzard Waypoint at player location. Usefull together with /dis but currently you have to reload to reset  tracked POI.

                                                     /scan                reads out  Minimap tooltips of things infront of the player.

                                                     /scanless         Zoom in minimap.

                                                     /scanmore       Zoom out minimap.

                                                     /ttipon                Enables a Tooltipreader that constantly reads out first line of tooltips of anything you mouseover.

                                                     /ttipoff                 Disables the Tooltipreader.

                                                     /ttip                     repeats current Tooltip. So you can be sure your mouse is over the thing in question.

                                                     /ttipmore           reads out  whole tooltip.

                                                     /center               centers Cursor midScreen.

                                                     /camcenter       positions camera horizontally.

                                                     /task                   reads out  currently  selected quest task. When typed /tasked followed by a questid, It will try to track that quest and say the task.

                                                     /taskmore          reads out  quest description

                                                    /qlines                        cycle through the selcted quests (selection of a quest does not change the waypoint of tracked ones). together with /task u can get info on all your quests.

                                                    /qom                    lets u find quests on the map in combination with  /dis

                                                    /qdis                    distance to currently selected quest.

                                                    /fc                         cycles through following target, focus,party1-4

                                                    /track                    trys to track the selected quest. Often just takes something with higher priority though. /qdis is more reliant to stay on selected quest.

                                                    /track QuestID    trys to track quest by given questid.

                                                   /stickymodeon    enables a mode that lets you stick to interesting things with your mouse like when fishing. while enabled hold the control key down and move the mouse arround.

                                                   /stickymodeoff    disables the stickymode.

                                                   /popup1               to click first button of a popup like item delete "yes" for example.

                                                   /popup2               to click second button of a popup like item delete "no" for example.

                                                   /trackallicons                tracks everything on minimap like auctioneers etc. Useful in combination with  /scan.

                                                  /chatfilterreset      clears the chatfilter list. 

                                                   /chatadd              changes chatconfig to add messages. example: /chatadd honor.   possibilities: honor xp currency money loot.

                                                   /chatremove         changes chatconfig to remove messages. example: /chatremove honor.   possibilities: honor xp currency money loot.

  To Filter TTS use:                 /ttsfilter                    type for example "/ttsfilter  spammything" to add "spammything" to the filtered list.  All TTS messages that contain things of the list will be blocked whole.Needs reload to take effect.

                                                   /ttsfilterreset            clears the ttsfilter list.

                                                   /pinindoorson         enables automatic pinning of the location you entered indoors. together with  /dis  you find out again.

                                                   /pinindoorsoff         disables automatic pinning of the location you entered indoors.

                                                   /level                         reads out level of your target.

                                                   /mob                          reads out some mobs names currently in your field of vision.

                                                   /focusdis                    reads out distance to focus. Not useable in instances and only useable on partymemebers. Still is usefull open world.

                                                   /partydis                    reads out distance to focus. Not useable in instances and only useable on partymemebers. Still is usefull open world.

                                                   /way                            example: /way 20 20 adds a waypoint at that location. Use together with /dis.

                                                   /pinsave yourpinname   adds current location to a pin library. thers is a smal default library for oribos. /pinfind oribos flightmaster. inn, repair, floor are other default pins of oribos.

                                                   /pinfind yourpinname    tracks the pin out of the library.

                                                   /pinsavereset            resets library to default pins only. 

                                                   /taketaxi                     while talking to a flightmaster type /taketaxi Sotrmwind for example every available  flightpoint goes.

                                                    /delete                         deletes  the currently pciked up item.

                                                 /autointeracton           enables auto moving to npc, when pressing your interact with target keybind. 

                                                 /spin                              trys to find intaractable things you can then interact with by using your interact key. make a macro out of it and press once a second while searching. it will call things when if found something.

                                                 /spinfind followed by the first word of the searched thing will make u look in the right direction if you hear sound that is. But its less accurate than  /spin and is more to approach the right direction. press macro once a second and when you hear a sound move a view steps and repeat. You can also find noninteractable things with it like a player of a certain name.

                                                /spinobjective               trys to find quest objectives nearby. 

                                               /road                                currently only for first Zone. re-adds roadwaypoints to the map. Also only works toghether with TomTom Addon. there is a readme TomTom file. 

                                               /roaddis                         traces the nearest roadpoint. when you hear a click sound you also face the right direction. can be bound. /cway will trace the nearest one. toggle to turn on and off.

                                               /antifallon                      turns antifall protection sounds on (only in starting zone at citadel area right now). When you hear stone crumbling sound you are near an abysss or something you may get trapped in.

                                               /antifalloff                      turns antifall protection sounds off (only in starting zone at citadel area right now).

                                              /wayqom                         adds a tomtom waypoint to the map of an acceptable quest on the map.

                                              /wayfilter cavern 3        for example sets the tomtom arrow to carvern 3. is important to be able to navigate in caverns

                                              /consumewp                  is important to be able to clear the closes waypoint and change direction of the way you want to go.

                                             /movedir                           changes the order of pathing for  /roaddis.

                                              /ttdir                                    makes next mouselook stick to tomtom arrow.

                                              /paste                              followed by multiple chatcommands like waypoints or things you would use in macros to queue etc can be executet at once.

to follow the wrong way of the road. walk a bit and press /cway.

Feel free to make suggestions what commands i could add. 

I recommend putting commands you like into macros.

How  To:  type /tts to enable tts reader by Blizzard. Then activate channels by typing /tts system   for example.  Also Type /tts mymessages to hear your own messages. Tap out of wow and in again when using tts first time per session.                                              

For easier questing i recommend AddOns like "QuickQuest"

In case you dont know. For descending on a Flyingmount press "X" .

The Item "loot-a-rang" from engineering is very helpful with ranged looting.

Other useful commands you might want to know and might help you getting tts running: /tts   will toggle tts on and off.

                                                                                                        /tts voice 1.  will change tts voice to the first and normal one.

                                                                                                        /run TextToSpeech_SetRate(10) will set tts speed to maximum.

                                                                                                        /tts mymessages    very important to test tts in  chats when typing own stuff.

                                                                                                        /tts stopp      stops all tts messages currently running and in queue.

                                                                                                       /run TextToSpeechFramePanelContainer.PlaySoundSeparatingChatLinesCheckButton:Click()

                                                                                                                                                  will toggle the sound between every line spoken in every language.