Bloody Screen (classic-era)

Bloody Screen (classic-era)


This is a fan update of Resike BloodyScreen 5.0.1 Alpha 1, which is also a fan update!

This version works on Classic Era World of Warcraft.

I am NOT the original author.

To access the options config;

Enter `/bloodyscreen` or `/bs` into your chat window to bring up the configuration window.

The splatters on your screen can appear in several different modes:

1) As combo points are accumulated, they become visible.

2) When you receive a critical hit in battle, they appear. If this option is enabled, they will persist until you exit combat.

3) They will appear when you get a critical strike and eventually fade away.

4) With the same timer for each splatter as above, they appear and then vanish after the allotted time if you do not critical strike again promptly.

Big thanks to Resike for his contributions to the updates.

Icon image by Starline on Freepik