



The goal of BobsToolbox is to be my UI for WoW. Cleanup some things, add others, changes day to day. Features come and they go.


BobsToolbox requires the installation of the ACE3 library. BobsToolbox also optionally uses Clique for click to heal on the unit frames.

HUD Frame:

The HUD frame is the unit frames. This will contain the player and target information. The unit's health will be on the left and the mana, focus, rage, etc. will be on the right. The player's bars will be in the inside and the target's bars will be on the outside. The HUD frame has an option that will allow the health / mana bars to hide when at 100%. This allows for a very clean interface and removes all unnecessary information from the screen. Just turn off this feature if you want the bars on screen at all times. The HUD frame also will show how many people in your party / raid is targetting your target. This feature will only be enabled if you are in a party / raid. This is a great feature to have as a DPS to ensure you are targetting what the members of your party / raid is targetting. An aggro number will be listed in the top right. It will let you know your aggro status on your current target. You don't want to be pulling aggro from you tank do you? You will also see the RAID icon assigned to your target. This give you really clear indication that you are targetting "skull" when you should be.

Group Frame:

The group frame allows you to monitor your whole raid in a very small area. It also allows monitoring of the raid / party for your buffs. If someone is missing your buff then they will be missing their dots on top of their health bar. Also you can track the role and raid icons on the group frame.

Minimap Button Frame:

The minimap button frame will gather all the buttons off the minimap and place them all in one convent frame. This frame can then be position anywhere you would like.