Bob UI

Bob UI


Bob UI

Bob UI is a new project that aims to simplify the existing frames and reduce the amount of frames that a user has to interact with.

Currently, Bob UI starts with an alpha build that replaces spellbook and talents frames with a single frame, that contains the ability to change specs and talents and interact with abilities.


  • To open/close the new spell book, you use the keys assigned to open the native spell book or talents frame

  • The buttons at the top allow you to view different spell books when clicked and change specialization when double clicked.

  • Dragging and dropping abilities should work as before

  • The frame cannot be opened during combat and will automatically close during combat (and show after combat, if was shown before)

Talent & heart essence preset instructions:

  • Right click the talents to the right, to change the talents in your currently selected preset.

  • click to view/modify a preset

  • double click to "equip" the preset, if possible.

  • For heart essences, click the slot you want to add to preset, then right click the essence you want to add to that slot.


  • to reset a setting to default, clear the textbox for that setting and hit enter.

Supports Clique - open the clique config window /clique, and then use your hotkeys for the spell book frame or profession frame (default: P, K). This is temporary, until a better solution can be implemented.

Please comment with feature requests and bug reports, no matter the size.

known bugs:

  • Occasionally closes other windows like guild window or group finder when opened

  • Borders are off or separators missing. Fixed by changing the scaling setting.

Work in progress (By priority):

  • Glyphs

  • Open/Close/remain open during combat

  • auto "equip" talent presets based on zone (This is already possible using weak auras.)