Book of Crafts


Originally developed by Blackdove.

Book of Crafts (BoC) is a simple add-on that provides you with information regarding your alts' crafts.


  • Recipe items will include in their tooltip information about which of your alts can use it.
  • Color recipe item icons relative to the status of your alts' crafts. (for example, a recipe that one of your alts can use may be colored green)
  • Broker that lets you view your alts' crafts. (using craft links)

Open the options dialog with '/boc' or '/bookofcrafts'


My big thanks to Ayradyss, maker of "RecipeBook" addon. I've been a first user of this add-on, but found myself in need of something different and I have developped "BookOfCrafts" (also at this time, RecipeBook development was stopped). This is thanks to "RecipeBook" that I started to get involved in Add-on development.

However, there is no competition with "Recipe book" and Ayradyss. Perhaps you should check also this add-on as it is a great add-on that you might prefer for its different features.

  • Special thanks to Lombra who has fixed the "Bind on pickup" problem while I stopped playing Wow for 8 months
  • Special thanks to Bburt for his overall help
  • Special thanks to Ghandi and Ayradyss for German translation
  • Special thanks to Lisurc a.k.a Lisenrak Sargeras (European server), for maintaining and tweaking BoC while I was away
  • Special thanks to ArtureLeCoiffeur and Tezaro for their bug fixing skills
  • ... and my thanks for all of you for your feedback