Boost Assistant

Boost Assistant



Im finding it hard sometimes to track what my boosties are paying me and wich run they are on. This addon helps with this. Select dungeon and price in the settings. Add a function to a macro so you dont have to write them all the time.

How to use

  • Go to settings (/ba). Click on the create macro button
  • Use the "Yell" macro to create a group
  • Click on "Status" macro to display payment status
  • After every run click on the "Tick" macro as you reset the dungeon

Slash commands

There are more functions but this is the core ones that get used

  • /ba status - Prints the boosties status in party chat
  • /ba show - Shows the status UI
  • /ba tick - Increment the run counter with status in party chat
  • /ba give - Gives your target a free run
  • /ba take - Takes away a run
  • /ba yell - Yells the dungeon with level requirements, loot option, price and party status
    WTS Boost Scarlet Monastery | lvl 21-42 | FFA loot | 15g pr run | 3/4
  • /ba enable - Enable and/or disable functionality
  • /ba - Open settings menu

Average time

  • Calculates your average run time based by your 10 most average runs.
  • First 10 runs is the base value.
  • Does not log runs that is under 60 sec.
  • Does not log runs that is not average. Only between half of the average time and dubble the average time.
  • You can choose if you want to display the time in "yell" or "status" in options.


  • Adds new boosties to a list as they join.
  • Removes boosties from the list when they leave.
  • Add friends to a friend list so the paying boosties knows they are friends of you.
  • A "create macro" button in settings, that creates the most used functions as macros.
  • Display party loot method in yell. Can be set in options.
  • Timer starts when you use "/ba status" and stops when you use "/ba tick"