BBDKP is an AddOn created for the "Booty Bay Fishing Club" on the Frostwhisper EU server.
The AddOn is used to track all members during the raid, which encounters they participated in, and which items they received.
More detailed description will follow once development finishes.

- "Start raid" window pop up when in a raid and master looter status is granted.
- "Stop raid" window pop up when master looter status is lost.
- "Encounter" window pop up after an encounter (succesful or wipe), will guess (reasonably accurately) the encounter.
- "Loot" window(s) pop up when the player has master looter and a loot window opens.

/bbdkp Shows the "Start raid" window when there is currently no active raid, and the "Stop raid" window if there is an active raid.
/bbdkp start Shows the "Start raid" window. The window only pops up if there is currently no active raid.
/bbdkp start Shows the "Stop raid" window. The window only pops up if there is currently an active raid.
/bbdkp kill Shows the "Encounter" window, with the success checkbox checked. The window only pop up if there is currently an active raid.
/bbdkp wipe Shows the "Encounter" window, with the success checkbox unchecked. The window only pop up if there is currently an active raid.
/bbdkp alter Shows the "Alteration" window. The window will always pop up.

If an invalid parameter is given it will fall back to the /bbdkp command.