BPGP Loot System

BPGP Loot System

Loot Distribution Sidebar

Loot Distribution Sidebar

Master Looter's action hub.
Main Window

Main Window

Main BPGP window, provides access to addon functionality.
Log Export Import

Log Export Import

Example of log entries exporting and importing process.
Action Log Sidebar

Action Log Sidebar

Every BPGP related action goes here. Features multiple filters and full-text search.
Options Sidebar - Enforced Settings

Options Sidebar - Enforced Settings

Guild-wide BPGP settings. Can be changed by Guild Master only.
BPGP Common Actions

BPGP Common Actions

Available BPGP actions after selecting any player in the Main Window's table.
Raid Cooldowns Window

Raid Cooldowns Window

Frequently asked gimmick because of the WoW Classic API restrictions. Raid-only. Requires BPGP installed for every player of tracked class.
Options Sidebar - Service

Options Sidebar - Service

Utility options. Action buttons are Guild Master only.
Options Sidebar - Master Looter

Options Sidebar - Master Looter

Master Looter action loop automation options.
Item Distribution Process

Item Distribution Process

Item distribution example using Distribution Popups system.
Options Sidebar - Interface

Options Sidebar - Interface

All present and future BPGP appearance options go here.
Tools and Stats Sidebars

Tools and Stats Sidebars

Meant to provide access to extra utilities and information.