Update: Now available for WoW Classic as well so you can remind yourself to take a short break while playing. :P
Update2: Updated version for WoW TBC so this mod can remind you that you're not prepared.
This mod tells you when to take a break much like Guild Wars and Lineage 2 did. You can output a message on the screen or in the chat window. You can also associate a sound to play when the message is displayed. The message can be set to go off every 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours as well. You can also use this as a timer to alert you when a task needs to be done or when supper is going to be ready. If you switch characters this mod will not save the previous session's online time. If I find a suitable way to make this work correctly I will put this in but until then this will have to do.
This is a simple mod but I felt WoW needed this for those people who need to take a break every so often and they forget to do so or just to be used as an alert timer. So enjoy! I'm always open to suggestions so feel free to contact me if you have any.