Brihan's F2P Dungeon Journal Cleaner

Brihan's F2P Dungeon Journal Cleaner


Why this addon?

As a level 20 enjoyer, it can be sometimes difficult to remember the dungeons you can access to and what loot you can get ...

This addon aims to remove the display of useless information for level 20 players, making it easier to access what you're looking for in the Dungeon Journal.


  • Hide all instances that characters level 20 cannot enter, on every expansion (also hide raids)
  • Remove the instance difficulty button from the instance page (as you can't use it anyway)
  • Default the instance difficulty to normal mode for all the loot listings
  • Automatically disable the addon on characters above level 20

By default the addon is deactivated, so after dropping it in your AddOns folder, don't forget to activate it!