Broker Everything

Broker Everything


[BUG]: Unrecognized XML: Checkbox

tatatada opened this issue ยท 3 comments


WoW client

WoW Retail

What happened?

its happening just by using your addon

Lua Error Message?

4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:156 Unrecognized XML: Checkbox
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:156 Unrecognized XML attribute: parentKey
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:156 Unrecognized XML attribute: inherits
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:156 Unrecognized XML attribute: inherits
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:157 Unrecognized XML attribute: x
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:157 Unrecognized XML attribute: y
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:158 Unrecognized XML: Anchor
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:159 Unrecognized XML attribute: point
4x Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/Broker_Everything.xml:159 Unrecognized XML attribute: relativeKey

Other addons?

No response


In 10.0 XML schema issues are surfaced in the client, checkbox elements are CheckButton, made a PR for it



Thank you for reporting. Please try version 4.4.1.


so far it seems the Bug is gone. thank u very much for your efforts !