This addon is a collection of modules to display various informations ingame about the game, your character, friends, guild and many many more. :-)
It is recommended to use this addon with a data broker display addon... A little list of possible addons:
- panel-addons:
Bazooka, ChocolateBar, DockingStation, NinjaPanel, TitanPanel
FuBar(was a good old partner in classic times, R.i.P.) - single-button-addons:
Candy, StatBlockCore
Fortress(outdated/abandoned/owner is missing)
See List of Modules
- CPU / Memory Usage Any enabled module need cpu time and memory and this addon is a summary of modules. It is normal heavier than single broker addons but i try to
- For Iconsets and Localization I have add some php scripts. the script generates the 3 example files for iconset and localization. I will try to use the php script in this folder to keep all examples up to date... :)
- ElvUI / TukUI skin support missing? Please install/enable the addon AddOnSkins or AddOnSkins Classic. It is not a plugin from ElvUI/TukUI, but it is required to help other addons support ElvUI/TukUI skins.
- GPS/Location/ZoneText: Currently the transport menu has a problem with items that must be equipped before use.
A few years ago i added support for icon sets. My coal was support third party addons to change the icons used by modules from broker_everything. An outdated demo can be found here.
Please use the Issues page for bug reports and feature requests.
Do you want to help translate this addon?
See Curseforge localization tool
Thanks to Hungtar for the original Broker_Everything and Ekaterina for futher developing. WowInterface and Curse community for an amazing amount of help.
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