Broker Everything

Broker Everything


[BUG]: 10.0 Click on transport with any hearthstone not working

agentschmitt opened this issue ยท 1 comments


WoW client

WoW Retail

What happened?

right click on zonetext broker
left click on hearthstone (or any other transport)
current result:
-> lua error on highlight
-> no action on click

i found some workaround fixes:

change shared.lua line 772 to fix hightlight
from: sbf:SetHighlightTexture([[interface\friendsframe\ui-friendsframe-highlightbar-blue]], true);
to: sbf:SetHighlightTexture([[interface\friendsframe\ui-friendsframe-highlightbar-blue]]);

add shared.lua one line 773 to fix click
sbf:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp", "AnyDown")

Lua Error Message?

1x bad argument #3 to '?' (Usage: self:SetHighlightTexture(asset [, blendMode]))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetHighlightTexture'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/shared.lua"]:772: in function `secureButton'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Broker_Everything/modules/gps.lua"]:310: in function `_OnEnter_func'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BagSync/libs/LibQTip-1.0-49/LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:1337: in function <...face/AddOns/BagSync/libs/LibQTip-1.0/LibQTip-1.0.lua:1331>

(*temporary) = "bad argument #3 to '?' (Usage: self:SetHighlightTexture(asset [, blendMode])

Other addons?

i am using 100+ addons so maybe not worth to list them all :P
as databroker display i am using bazooka


Thank you for reporting. Please try version 4.4.1.