[BUG]: Shared.lua:921 - Concat Error
orionshock opened this issue ยท 2 comments
WoW client
WoW Classic WotLk
What happened?
On Login, error, Durability Module doesn't seem to update reliably.
Shared.lua:921 | local diffStr = table.concat({link,d or 0,dM or 0},"^");
Variable "d" and "dm" are both undefined and unused (per luacheck)
Not sure what the code is trying to do here to suggest a fix.
However _G["d"] seems to be polluted by LoonBestInSlot.
Lua Error Message?
1x Broker_Everything/shared.lua:921: invalid value (table) at index 2 in table for 'concat'
[string "=[C]"]: in function `concat'
[string "@Broker_Everything/shared.lua"]:921: in function <Broker_Everything/shared.lua:914>
(*temporary) = <table> {
1 = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:44296:3820:41401:40094:::::80:::::::::|h[Helm of Purified Thoughts]|h|r"
2 = FontString {
3 = 0
(*temporary) = "^"
(*temporary) = FontString {
0 = <userdata>
Other addons?