Dungeon Helper

Dungeon Helper


Dungeon Helper provides a few helpful improvements to your daily dungeon grinding.

  • Plays an alarm sound when your dungeon invitation pops up (Works with WoW minimized).
  • Shows a dungeon invitation timer.
  • Post the time needed to complete the dungeon into the party chat. "Dungeon completed in: x Minutes" (Optional)
  • Call To Arms Watcher:
    Announces "Call To Arms" bonus rewards availability of selected roles to your chat or plays a sound.

Data Broker Plugin:

Dungeon Helper also includes a Broker replacement for the "Dungeon Finder" minimap icon. You will need a LDB-based display addon like ChocolateBar, TitanPanel or one of the many others to see the broker plugin.

Data Broker
Waiting for Tank...
Call To Arms
Call To Arms status

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