Buff Duty

Buff Duty


Feature request: Decurse groups

bas-noorlander opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hey, first of, love the work!

It saves a ton of time to sort buff groups, the only thing I have to do manually is set up decurse groups. Is this something that could be added? It's basically the same as the mage buff groups, except it should include druids as well (bonus points if it could auto-exclude druids who are marked as main tank in the raidframes, but not necessary)

Hope this is possible.



@Laniax Hmm that is definitely an interesting use-case.
While we do not have direct possibility to create combined groups of mages and druids for decurse, I can suggest make use of our assign functionality.
a{player1=1,2;player2=own} | Listed players are assigned the specified groups (if available)
A way how you can use it - assign mages automatically with some groups exclusions and then for these excluded groups make assignments for druids.
Make it into a macro and no manual work would be required.
Type /buffduty help to learn more.

We will look into making your use-case a reality in a friendly fashion.
Thank you for using BuffDuty and giving us feedback!


Thanks @azurefireice, that seems like a nice workaround for now. Could you explain how to do group exclusions? I couldn't find it in the docs or help command.


Hi @Laniax, thanks for the suggestion, it is not a use case I had considered. Unfortunately group exclusion is not currently a feature.

@azurefireice It should be simple enough to add group limitations to version 1.6. I think an inclusion list would be the best way to go, for example g{1,2,3,4} would assign only groups 1, 2, 3, and 4.