


Buffet is a food/water macro generator originally developed by tekkub and currently maintained by mZHg.

What's new :

  • User-defined ignore list (per characters) (via command only)

Feel free to report any bug or request any feature here :)


  • Dynamically scan your bag for usable food, drink, potion, rune, managem and bandage
  • Provide 6 macros auto-magically updated (out of combat)
    • - Consumable and food/drink
      • - Food and Drink only
      • - Consumable only
  • Allow configuration of modifiers used by macros
  • Option to default macros to hearthstone if no item found
  • Option to consider "well fed" food items in macros
  • Support dark and demonic runes
  • Support Classic Wow
  • Custom macro using lua scripting language, see here for more info
  • User-defined ignore list (per characters)

Currently supporting the following localizations:

For retail:

  • English (enUS)
  • Deutsch (deDE)
  • Español (esES)
  • Français (frFR)
  • Italiano (itIT)

For WotLK:

  • English (enUS)
  • Deutsch (deDE)
  • Español (esES)
  • Français (frFR)
  • Korean (koKR) provided by coderhyme

For classic:

  • English (enUS)
  • Deutsch (deDE)
  • Español (esES)
  • Français (frFR)

Partially supporting the following localizations:

For Retail, WotLK and classic:

  • Simplified Chinese (zhCN) provided by Witnesscm

If you want to contribute to localizations, pull requests are welcome!