


Healthstone not showing up in HP macro/Consumable while in combat, some food items not showing in HP macro or Food Only macro.

shadofall opened this issue ยท 7 comments


[13:24:00] Buffet: Item [Pickled Meat Smoothie]:
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is health: Yes
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is mana: Yes
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is well fed: Yes
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is conjured: No
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is percent: No
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is potion: No
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is bandage: No
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is over time: No
[13:24:00] Buffet: - Is restricted: No
[13:24:00] Buffet: - health value: 0
[13:24:00] Buffet: - mana value: 0
[13:24:00] Buffet: - itemClassId: 0
[13:24:00] Buffet: - itemSubClassId: 5
[13:24:14] Buffet: Item [Deep Fried Seraph Tenders]:
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is health: Yes
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is mana: Yes
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is well fed: Yes
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is conjured: No
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is percent: No
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is potion: No
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is bandage: No
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is over time: No
[13:24:14] Buffet: - Is restricted: No
[13:24:14] Buffet: - health value: 0
[13:24:14] Buffet: - mana value: 0
[13:24:14] Buffet: - itemClassId: 0
[13:24:14] Buffet: - itemSubClassId: 5
[13:24:27] Buffet: Item [Infused Endmire Fruit]:
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is health: Yes
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is mana: Yes
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is well fed: Yes
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is conjured: No
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is percent: No
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is potion: No
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is bandage: No
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is over time: No
[13:24:27] Buffet: - Is restricted: No
[13:24:27] Buffet: - health value: 0
[13:24:27] Buffet: - mana value: 0
[13:24:27] Buffet: - itemClassId: 0
[13:24:27] Buffet: - itemSubClassId: 5
[13:24:49] Buffet: Item [Healthstone]:
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is health: Yes
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is mana: No
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is well fed: No
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is conjured: Yes
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is percent: Yes
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is potion: No
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is bandage: No
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is over time: No
[13:24:49] Buffet: - Is restricted: No
[13:24:49] Buffet: - health value: 25% (6145 hp)
[13:24:49] Buffet: - mana value: 0% (0 mp)
[13:24:49] Buffet: - itemClassId: 0
[13:24:49] Buffet: - itemSubClassId: 8


Sorry about that, I kept the original description mostly for posterity, although the point sill old for food item.

Don't set them all mod to "nomod", only the one for conjured object.
The consumable HP macro is generated with item in the following order:

/cast [modifier:"settings for bandage",target=player] item:"bandage item id"; [modifier:"settings for conjured healthstone"] item:"conjured healthstone id"; item:"health potion item id"

Example (with fake ids):
/cast [modifier:ctrl,target=player] item:1234; [modifier:shift] item:5678; item:9012

Of course if you are missing any the items, the related bloc is omitted.

So if you set all modifier to "nomod", you'll see bandage first until you run out of them.
And if you press any modifier, then you see the last item in the list, the potion.

Heartstone will show only if you have no potion (replace the last item id).

One advantage of using multiple modifier is that you can use all item in the same fight, once your healthstone is on CD, you still have access to the pot which was not the case before.

As stated in another issue (or maybe in a comment on the addon page), I will implement a way to setup customized macro at some point, maybe during the coming holidays.

EDIT: damn github eating my > and < :(


I was confused about this too, in part because I naturally expected it to be true but also because the main project page at https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/buffet says, "Conjured items will always be preferred over permanent ones." Admittedly that's under "Original description" but there isn't anything in the part above that suggests it isn't true anymore.

I just tried setting all four boxes in the Configuration to nomod and the Consumables macro doesn't show the healthstones in my bag at all but rather some old Deep Sea Bandages still in my bag, which are both channeled and heal for less. Also, strangely, if I press shift then it switches to some old Abyssal Healing Potions, which is mostly surprising because with nomod set on everything, I don't really understand why pressing Shift (or Control, which also does it) causes anything to happen at all. Although it's not like they really do anything, because I have both the Shift and Control versions of that key bound to something else, which takes priority.

At my current gear level (ilvl 162), that old BFA potion actually slightly out-heals the healthstone, but soon enough that will no longer be true and in genera I'd really prefer that any conjured healthstone be used as long as I have one.


Hmm, so in "Consumables Macros" I set "nomod" for Conjured items and mod:ctrl/shift for Special items (bandages), yet the Consumables macro is still not showing my healthstone by default but rather the potions. (And it also still flashes over to bandages if I press shift or control, rather than both control+shift.)

Thanks for taking your time both to work on this addon, and to explain it.


That's strange, when I set stuff like in the picture, it work for me :/

Here the macro I got on my warlock with healthstone, bandage and potion in my bag, with the settings above :

I see the healthstone by default, then bandage when pressing ctrl, and potion when pressing any other mod.

If you want to to constrain with 2 modifiers simultaneously, you need this syntax: "mod:ctrl,mod:shift"
My macro would look like this:
/cast [mod:ctrl,mod:shift,target=player] item:1251; [nomod] item:5512; item:13446

Which work like this:

  • nomod (default): show healthstone
  • any mod: show potion
  • ctrl+shift: show bandage

Be sure to try:
/buffet clear

Just in case this is an issue with cache data ;)


All "well fed" food are excluded by design.
The health stone should show when you press the related modifier key (shift by default).


ah. ok. didn't know about the well fed part and i could swore i remember health stones showing up once upun a time with out the modifier.. I know it gives me health pots in combat so i expected stones to be that way oh well.


A long time ago this was the case yes, but I changed the behavior to allow more flexible configuration.
If you want conjured item to always show up, you can use the "nomod" modifier like this:

Edit: with this, you'll effectivly invert the behavoir, conjured show, pot on modifier